DNA in cell


Dna in cell
Polett Quiñones
Mapa Mental por Polett Quiñones , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Polett Quiñones
Creado por Polett Quiñones hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

DNA in cell
  1. Virus
    1. Types of Genetic Material
      1. Rna
        1. Single stranded Double stranded
          1. Retroviruses are a kind of RNA viruses
            1. The ones than can make reverse transcription
              1. Can act like DNA
            2. DNA
              1. -Single stranded -double stranded -single stranded circular -Double stranded circular -double stranded with each end covalently sealed -Double stranded with protein in each end
                1. Replication in DNA Viruses
                  1. Rolling Circle
                    1. Replication in X174
                2. Example
                  1. Bacteriophages
                  2. Exporting GENETIC (viral particles)
                  3. Bacteria
                    1. Have different Genome sizes
                      1. Pan Genome: non essential genes
                        1. Core Genome: essential genes that define species
                          1. Not all genes are present in all bacteria
                          2. Most of the times it consist in just one circular chromosome
                          3. Chloroplast and Mithocondrpa
                            1. Have Circular DNA
                              1. Plants Have the biggest size of mithocondrial Genome
                                1. Genetic code in Mit is more flexible
                                  1. In High Eukaryote, female gives Mithocondria genes
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