

feudalism: the structure of society
Mapa Mental por efricke, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por efricke hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. lord
    1. owner of the fief
      1. granted and protected the vassal
        1. could be a lord and vassal at the same time
    2. vassal
      1. protector/worker of the fief
        1. provide military service to the lord per year, and pledge loyalty to Lord
          1. could be a lord and vassal at the same time
      2. noble
        1. great land holders (usually lords)
          1. could be the vassal to a greater lord, while being a lord to a lesser vassal
            1. nobles were usually born into wealthy families
        2. fief
          1. an estate in which you get land in exchange for a service
            1. also known as manors: self sufficient property run by serfs
              1. heart of feudalism
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