Interpreting Activity


working memory
Mapa Mental por c.planiscig, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por c.planiscig hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Interpreting Activity
    1. Communicative Function
      1. Speaker-interpreter
      2. Mental Proccess
        1. Interpreter
          1. Simoultaneous multiple mental proccessess
            1. Working Memory Model (Baddeley:1986, 1990)
              1. Working Memory
                1. Recovery of passive info
                  1. Information processing
                2. Capacity Model of Attention (Kahneman, 1973)
                  1. The Effort Model (Gile, 1995) Balance in the use of the interpreter's mental capacities for interpretation. There is a division between attention and memory effort
                    1. Processing Memory Model (Craig & Lockhart,1972) Semantic analysis is carried in the deeper levels of the model structure. Deeper processing does improve memorizarion, thus some things are better remembered.
                      1. The Role of Attention (Daró, 1989) In SI, the interpreter's ability to control, diverse and allocate his attention on different parallel activities like listening, analysis, synthesis and production of chunks.
                        1. Two levels of attention in SI
                          1. Reception of the chunk (high level of attention)
                            1. Recodification of the received chunk (low level of attention)
                    2. Communicative Function
                      1. Interpreter-audience
                    3. An oral text (SL) is decodified and reformulated in the TL.
                      1. CONSECUTIVE (CI)
                        1. SIMULTANEOUS (SI)
                          1. Seleskovitch's model (1978): 1) Speaker's speech and interpreter's speech are simultaneously performed; 2) Interpreter's listening and speaker's speech are performed simultaneously; 3) Interpreter's listening and speech are performed at the same time as the speaker's speech; 4) Content is delivered at the same time
                            1. COMPREHENSION PHASE
                              1. MEMORY
                                1. a) UNITS OF SENSE: The interpreter needs to store the message and organize it into content units. Memory is used to process the contents of the message. Usage of strategies.
                                  1. b) PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH: construction of certain cognitive pegs as a helping tool when analysing and memorising the content of the text.
                                    1. 1980: The MAIN FOCUS: the PROBLEM of the organization of memory and mental structures.(INPUTS & OUTPUTS)
                                      1. COGNITIVE STRUCTURE: 1) Prose material is encoded in a hierarchically organized format; 2) Prose structures predict comprehension; 3) Comprehension change the memory representation.
                                        1. TEXTLINGUISTICS: considers the text as a grammatical and semantic unit.
                                          1. COHESION
                                            1. COHERENCE
                                      2. ANALYSIS
                                        1. MEANING OF THE TEXT
                                          1. Analysis of its content in order to understant it.
                                            1. Students' of interpreting need to create visual images out of the information supplied by the text and relate it to previous knowledge.
                                  2. EXTERNAL FACTORS
                                  3. 1) Listening & Analysis of the SL chunck; 2) Memorizing it; 3) Reformulating that chunk into the TL.
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