
Mapa Mental sobre COPD, creado por Marwa Alqassim el 17/10/2022.
Marwa Alqassim
Mapa Mental por Marwa Alqassim, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Marwa Alqassim
Creado por Marwa Alqassim hace alrededor de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. diseases characterized by chronic or recurrent obstruction to the airflow
    1. risk factors
      1. smoking
        1. dusts & chemicals
          1. AAT deficiency
      2. includes
        1. Asthma
          1. emphysema
            1. chronic bronchitis
              1. bronchiectasis
                1. permanent dilation of bronchi and bronchioles
                2. Persistent cough with sputum for >=3 months in >=2 consecutive years
                3. permanent enlargement in air spaces & terminal bronchioles
                4. recurrent episodes of bronchospasm
                  1. clinical manifestation
                    1. SOB
                      1. Chest Tightness
                        1. Coughing
                          1. Wheezing
                            1. high-pitched, coarse whistling sound
                    2. diagnosis
                      1. FeNO Test
                        1. Spirometer
                          1. Peak Flow Test
                      2. treatment
                        1. B2 agonists
                          1. Methylxanthine Drugs
                            1. Leukotriene Inhibitors
                              1. Anti-Muscarinic Agents
                                1. Corticosteroids
                                  1. Monoclonal Antibody Therapy
                                    1. Cromolyn & Nedocromil
                  2. How its related to COVID-19?
                    1. SARS-COV-2 enters cell by binding to ACE2
                      1. ACE2 is increased in COPD
                    2. Lung functional tests
                      1. Exercise stress test
                        1. Lung volume tests
                          1. Gas diffusion tests
                        2. normal volume
                      2. Acute Tubular Necrosis
                        1. kidney injury characterized by acute tubular cell injury and dysfunction
                          1. Causes
                            1. Ischemic
                              1. Nephrotoxic
                              2. Clinical presentation
                                1. fatigue
                                  1. Nausea & vomiting
                                    1. loss of apetite
                                      1. pain in flanks
                                2. Pathophysiology
                                  1. Investigations
                                    1. CBC
                                      1. Urinalysis
                                        1. Kidney Biopsy
                                    2. Management
                                      1. Diuretics
                                    3. Renal failure
                                      1. Histology
                                        1. Renal injury
                                          1. Pre-renal
                                            1. Intra-renal
                                              1. Post-renal
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                                            Pulmonology - Diseases
                                            Elle Ashe
                                            Clinical Medicine - ARF, COPD, OSA, etc.
                                            Lung disease
                                            Lauren Parker
                                            Exemplar 15.3: COPD
                                            Olivia McRitchie
                                            1_Clinical Medicine - ARF, COPD, OSA, etc.
                                            Test de Matemáticas para el GMAT (en Inglés)
                                            Diego Santos
                                            FARMACOLOGÍA DE LA MUSCULATURA ESQUELETICA
                                            LOS ANIMALES VERTEBRADOS
                                            PROYECTO APRENDER
                                            MAPA SINOPTICO