Creation of the Nazi State


History-Nazi Germany Mapa Mental sobre Creation of the Nazi State, creado por millieprice7 el 23/11/2013.
Mapa Mental por millieprice7, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por millieprice7 hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Creation of the Nazi State
  1. Von Papen and Hindenburg
    1. Von Papen failed to win enough support in the Reichstag, called for 2 elections and support decreases. Encourages Hindenburg to rule by decree (by himself), believes Hitler can be controlled, persuades Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor with himself as deputy, frightens Hindenburg by warning him of a civil war if Hitler is not made Chancellor.
      1. Hindenburg was scared that if he didn't appoint Hitler as Chancellor there would be a civil war, Hitler received a lot of votes when running for President against Hindenburg (13.4 million), believed Hitler could be controlled, he appoints the Chancellors, makes bad choices - Von Papen and Von Schleider, easily persuaded, knows Hitler is dangerous but under estimates him.
        1. Hindenburg was a former army leader and hates Hitler. Von Papen was a rich Catholic nobleman, a favourite of Hindenburg and distrusts Hitler.
        2. KEY EVENTS 1933-4
          1. 1) THE REICHSTAG FIRE - FEB 27TH 1933 - 1 month after Hitler became Chancellor. Dutch communist Van Der Lubbe is arrested along with 4000 other communists arrested that night. Van Der Lubbe is found guilty and exectuted. Nazis did well in the March elections. Nazis could've framed Van Der Lubbe adn used fire to crush communists and got rid of opposition.
            1. 2) EMERGENCY DECREE - Hitler persuades Hindenburg to give him extra powers, The emergency decree allows Hitler to: 1) Get the police to search any house, 2) Confiscate property eg newspapers, 3) arrest anyone without a trial.
              1. 3) THE ENABLING ACT - Nazis needed 2/3 of votes in the Reichstag for Hitler to become a dictator, would change the constitution, but this didn't happen. Then Hitler bans Communists from Parliament, intimidates moderate parties (The Centre Party and Social Democrats) with the Brownshirts. The act is passed that he can make any law he wants - Democracy ends and a dictatorship begins.
                1. 4) THE REMOVAL OF OPPOSITION GROUPS - Hitler gets rid of state parliaments, Trade Unions are closed down, leaders are arrested and replaced by the 'German Labour Front' -> No more strikes, all political parties are shut down eg the social democrats and the communists (Newspapers closed and leaders arrested.
                  1. 5) NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES - Hitler had to choose between the SA and the army. He could've kept the SA because they were committed Nazis, Rohm was an old friend of Hitlers, SA was bigger than the army, SA had fought for Hitler before. He would get rid of the SA because the SA disagreed with some policies and disapproved of some Nazi leaders and they were beginning to get out of hand. He could keep the army because they were well trained and organised, they had support of big business and he could only get lost land back with the army. He could get rid of the army because some generals disliked Hitler, army was small, only organisation that could remove Hitler from power and it was unknown how loyal the army would be.
                    1. HITLERS DECISION - THE NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES - Hitler invites the leaders of the SA to a hotel. They were arrested and quickly shot. Reasons included: 1) The SA were a threat under Rohms control, 2) Too violent and 3) Most of the SA would join the professional army or the SS.
                    2. 6) AUGUST 1934 - PRESIDENT HINDENBURG DIES AND HITLER DECLARES HIMSELF PRESIDENT WITH NO ELECTION. 7) HITLERS ROLE AS FUHRER - He was Chancellor, President and Supreme commander of the army.He made very member swear their loyalty to Hitler and risk their life to save his. He wanted to make all important decisions but leadership is a mess - Hitler has insomnia, unable to make many decisions. He is seen as man of the people, powerful, fatherly, former soldier, loyal to Germany (unmarried). Nazis wanted a strong Germany, a racial Germany and The Volk or The peoples community.
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