

A mind map on the disease typhoid with some facts about it.
Christian Cashel
Mapa Mental por Christian Cashel, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Christian Cashel
Creado por Christian Cashel hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Causative Organism
    1. Salmonella Typhi
    2. Controls & Prevention
      1. Controls
        1. Antibiotics
          1. Frequently washing hands after toilet use
          2. Prevention
            1. Vaccination
              1. Health education on hand hygiene
            2. Period of Communicability
              1. It is communicable as long as the organism is still present in the stool
                1. Some Patients can become permanent carriers
              2. Mode of Transmission
                1. Faecel-Oral Only affects Humans
                2. Signs & Symptoms
                  1. Severe Diarrhoea
                    1. Headache
                      1. Stomach pains
                        1. High temperature
                          1. Fever
                            1. Sore throat
                            2. Incubation Period
                              1. 8 to 14 days
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