John Bowlby (1944) & 44 Children


Psychodynamic Approach - John Bowlby Case Study
Marcus H
Mapa Mental por Marcus H, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Marcus H
Creado por Marcus H hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

John Bowlby (1944) & 44 Children
  1. Methodology
    1. Case studies with a control group
      1. Looking for an association between thieves and experiences of separation
        1. Study involved 44 Children and 44 Controls who attended the clinic
          1. 44 Child Thieves, 31 boys and 13 girls
            1. They were graded in terms of the seriousness of their stealing.
              1. Grade IV thieves (22 of the children) had been stealing for long a long time, some for 3+ years
                1. Grade I thieves had committed only one theft – four children fell into this category.
            2. Procedures
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