Math 30 - 1


study for diploma. Overview of course
Lauren Jatana
Mapa Mental por Lauren Jatana, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lauren Jatana
Creado por Lauren Jatana hace alrededor de 9 años
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Resumen del Recurso

Math 30 - 1
  1. Perms and Coms
    1. Things I (most students) get Caught on
      1. 1. Link between "Fundamental Counting Principle", probability and # of ways to arrange something
        1. 2. *Repeating items - what is unique about COLORS or Letters
          1. BANANAS
            1. # of ways to arrange 3R, 2B, 1G, 2Y where blues are NOT together
          2. Common Types of Questions
            1. Seating
              1. 1. 4B, 4G - Must Alternate
                1. 2. 4B, 4G - 3 MUST sit together
                  1. 3. 5 kids, 2 parents - MUST sit in middle
                  2. Arrange a Word
                    1. LEMONS


                      • 6! (Fundamental Counting Principle... back to grade 11... eg... 6x5x4x3x2x1 assumes no letter can repeat)
                      1. BANANAS


                        • 7! to arrange bananas. BUTTTTT my eyes can tell the difference between the first and second and third A - so those combos look the same to me. SO we must divide out the repeating numbers. 3 A's and 2 N's. 7! / (3! 2!)
                        1. Why are letters similar to (car) colors?
                        2. Cards
                          1. What is your criteria? Suits (4), Face Value (12), Color (26) etc.
                            1. How many ways are there to arrange - 3 diamonds, and 2 black cards?
                              1. pick or choose? -
                              2. Picking from a group - e.g. of breakfast options, grade 12s and 11s, boy and girls


                                • You can do 6C2 * 5C1 multiplication IF AND ONLY IF - you are picking from distinct baskets. E.g. Picking entree basket, drinks basket, dessert basket. 
                                1. When do you uses "cases" or ADDITION in perms and coms
                              3. Logs
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