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Community Cohesion
Mapa Mental sobre Community Cohesion, creado por lucy Perkins el 01/02/2016.
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Mapa Mental por
lucy Perkins
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
lucy Perkins
hace alrededor de 9 años
Resumen del Recurso
Community Cohesion
Gender Roles
Women worked part time, had to look after family
Only 1/3 of women worked
Divorce difficult to obtain
Sexual discrimination at work made illegal
143 MP's were women
Men share role of child care
Divorce increased by 368%
Equal Pay Act (1970) - women had to be paid same as men for same job
Sex Discrimination Act 1975 meant women have equal job rights
Christian Attitudes
Equal rights...
Both genders made in 'image of God'
Jesus had male and female followers
Non equal rights...
Jesus only chose men as apostles
Jesus was man and priest represents Jesus in the mass
In genesis, God created man first and then women to be a companion to him
Muslim Attitudes
Equal rights...
Prophet Muhammad treated his wife with great respect
Allah made everyone equal
Non equal rights...
Leaders in the mosques are male
Men and women are biologically different so have different roles to fulfil
Multi-ethinc Society (problems)
Lead to conflict
Individuals not valued for who they are
People are left out of society
Community Cohesion in UK
Makes everyone accept each others differences
Brings people closer together
Government Actions
1976- Race Relations Act made it illegal to discriminate against colour, nationality, ethnicity
Schools have duty to promote it
Encourages funds/poster campaigns
Racial Harmony
Christians Promote
God created different races so would be wrong to ill-treat Gods creation
Jesus mixed freely with people of other races and helped them
"Love your neighbour as yourself"
Muslims Promote
Hadith says, "all people are equal.. as the teeth of a comb"
Muhammad taught that nobody is superior
Chose African Muslim to call people to prayer
Allah created every human so everyone is equal in his eyes
Multi-faith Society
Increased understanding of other faiths reduces conflict
Experience religions first hand rather than prejudice reports about them (media)
Bringing up Children
Find another religion more attractive, want to convert
Lead to arguments between friends
Religious Community Cohesion
Meet with other religions' members to complete community projects
'Faith in the Environment Project' organised tree planting event, all religions support improving environment
Hold open days to educate people of different faiths
Faith groups hold conferences together to encourage religious pluralism
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