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GCSE Geography Mapa Mental sobre Population, creado por Abby Whitmore el 18/02/2016.
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geography gcse
human geography
one child policy
year 11
Mapa Mental por
Abby Whitmore
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Abby Whitmore
hace casi 9 años
Resumen del Recurso
Population Growth
The world's population is growing rapidly
The rate at which population is growing is increasing
Two factors that affect the world's population size:
Birth Rate- no. of babies born per 1000 of the population per year
Death Rate- no. of deaths per 1000 of the population per year
Natural Increase: Higher birth rate than death rate
Natural Decrease: Birth rate lower than death rate
Migration can also impact a country's population
Countries go through 5 Stages of Population Growth
The more developed the country, the later the stage of population growth it is at.
Stage 1
High and fluctuating Birth Rate and Death Rate
Low and steady population size
Population Growth Rate: Zero
Stage 2
High and Steady Birth Rate
Low and falling Death rate
Very high population growth rate
Rapidly increasing population size
Stage 3
Rapidly falling birth Rate
Slowly falling death rate
High Population Growth Rate
Increasing Population Size
Stage 4
Population Growth Rate: Zero
Low and fluctuating birth and death rate
High and steady population size
Stage 5
Slowly falling Birth Rate
Slowly falling population size
Low and fluctuating death rate
Negative Population Growth Rate
Population Structure
The population structure of a country is how many people there are of each age group in the population, and how many there are of each sex.
Shown using population pyramids.
The different stages of DMT give countries different population structures.
Stage 1
No contraception- high birth rate
High death rate because of poor healthcare
Low life expectancy- high proportion of young people
Stage 2
Healthcare improves, death rate falls
Children needed for work, birth rate still high
Life expectancy increased, but still many young people.
Stage 3
Birth rate falls due to emancipation of women
Better education, more contraception and advances in healthcare.
Longer life spans
Stage 4
Low birth rate- Urbanisation, children expensive
Low death rate and high life expectancy
Population Growth zero
Stage 5
People have dependent elderly relatives so there is less money for children
More older people than younger people
Low death rate and birth rate
Rapid Population Growth
Lack of jobs; unemployment increases
Increased poverty, people born into poor families
Healthcare services can't cope with the population so not everyone has access.
Children have to work to provide for their families so miss out on an education.
Food shortages
Lack of housing
Makeshift houses in overcrowded settlements
health problems
No clean water
Not all houses connected to sewers
Government focuses on policies that are important to young people because there are a lot of them.
Fewer older people, government focuses less on old people.
Government has to make policies to bring population growth under control
Countries need to develop in a sustainable way and control rapid population growth
Birth Control Programmes
Aims to reduce birth rate
Laws limiting the amount of children people can have
Free contraception and sex education
Family planning
Helps towards sustainable developments
Immigration Laws
Governments can limit the number of people that are allowed to immigrate
Selective about who they let in (Not child bearing age)
Slows population growth
Case Studies
Strict population control programme
world's largest population
One child policy introduced in 1979
Benefits for those who conform to the policy
Fines for those who have more than 1 child
Some exceptions
Couples allowed 2nd child if 1st is disabled or is a girl
Couples allowed 2 children is one parent is disabled or the parents are both only children
More children to look after parents
Has prevented up to 400 million births and fertility rate has dropped from 5.7 (1980) to 1.6
Older policies about leaving longer gaps between children more effective
People become more wealthy so want less children
4th largest population of any country in the world
Unevenly distributed population over the islands
Led to social and economic problems (see impacts) on the densely populated islands
Transmigration policy started in 1960s
Millions of people migrated from the densely populated islands like Java to less densely populated islands such as Sumatra
Millions moved, but population still not evenly spread
Not all escaped poverty. Didn't have skills to farm new land or new land too poor to farm
Conflict between migrants and natives
Population still getting bigger
Ageing Population
Population structure- more older people than younger people because of longer lifespans
Usually richer countries
Older people supported by working population. Ageing population means higher proportion of dependent people
Healthcare services stretched- older people need more medical care
Working population have to spend more leisure time on being unpaid carers for older population, causing stress and worry
People can't afford children because they have to look after the older generation
More OAPs = pensions are less because government can't afford them. People have to retire later
Working people pay taxes which go towards helping elderly dependents. Taxes will increase as the number of pensioners increases.
Economy will grow more slowly as proportion of working population declines
The UK
Living longer
Living standards
Life expectancy rose 2.6 years (F) and 6.4 (M) between 1980 and 2006
Proportion elderly increasing
Baby boom between 940 and 1960 creating pensioner boom
Birth rate has decreased
Working population not large enough to support elderly- pensions too low so live in poverty
Government struggling to pay state pension due to lack of tax payer
Health service under pressure; average night stay for 75< has decreased
Raise retirement age- could be 68 for everyone by 2046
Encourage Immigration of Young people from other countries- 80% immigrants under 34 (2004)
Encourage women to have children- tax credits for parent makes children less expensive
Encourage people to take out private pensions
Encouraging large families to increase the working population
Encouraging the immigration of young working people from other countries
Raising the retirement age so people will be working longer
Raising the working population's taxes
Pink- Unsustainable (population will grow), Blue- Sustainable
Immigrant- moving into, emigrant- leaving
Push and Pull factors
Push- War, natural disaster, unemployment (usually source country, bad)
Pull- Positive things in receiving country e.g. better educational/employment oppurtunities
Reduced demand on services
Money back to families
Labour and skills shortage
Ageing population
Increased labour force
Migrants pay taxes to fund services
Within EU
People from the EU can live and work in any other country in the EU
In 2004, 10 countries joined EU resulting in migration
500,000 Poles to UK between 2004 and 2007
19% Unemployment in Poland
Low average wages
300 dwelling for every 1000 people (housing shortage)
UK allowed unlimited migration
More work + higher wages
Good exchange rates- money sent back worth lots in Poland
Slight population increase
UK economy boosted
Some money sent home
Shops opened selling Polish products
Catholic church attendance increase as many Poles are Catholic
Poland's Population fell by 0.3% between 2003 and 2007
Birth rate fell because young people left
3 billion Euros sent back to families in 2006
Shortage of workers
Huge numbers of people migrate from Africa to the EU
In 2001, 45000 Africans refused entry to Spain
Many refugees from war
2 million people forced from their homes between 1991 and 2002 due to civil war in Sierra Leone
Only push factors which is threat of violence and death
Social tension
More unskilled workers
Average wages fallen for unskilled workers because so many want job
Birth rate increased because immigrants are young
African Countries
Working population reduced so fewer contributing to economy
Families become seperated
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