Basic Neurophysiology 2


Mapa Mental sobre Basic Neurophysiology 2, creado por tanitia.dooley el 14/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por tanitia.dooley, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por tanitia.dooley hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Basic Neurophysiology 2
  1. cell types of the CNS
    1. Neurons
      1. 10%, extensively branched, 50% of CNS volume
        1. 3 basic parts: dendrites & cell body, Axon, Axon terminals
          1. dendrites receive signals from other neurone. Cell body contains the nucleus & controls growth & repair
            1. axon-single process extending from cell body/collaterals-side branches from the axon-transmit & recieve signals from other neurone
              1. terminals-connect with other neurons
            2. Axon length varies: >1nm in projection neurons connecting to muscles/glands & very short in interneurons forming local circuits in spinal cord
            3. Glial cells
              1. 90%, branch less extensively, 50% of CNS volume
                1. contribute to brain function by playing supportive roles in support, nutrition, insulation & repair
                2. astrocytes-fill spaces between neurone, store glycogen,regulate [K+] in extracellular fluid
                  1. Oligodendroglia (CNS), Schwann cells (PNS)-wrap myelin sheaths around axon
                    1. Microglia-small phagocytic immune cells, repair & inflammation
                  2. Neuronal Communication
                    1. presynaptic neuron conducts information towards the synapse, synapse junction between 2 neurone, postsynaptic neurone-conducts info away from synapse
                      1. 2 types
                        1. electrical
                          1. local currents from APs flow through gap junctions between neurone-connexins form pore so ions etc that convey electrical signals can pass through
                            1. Bi-directional currents
                              1. No synaptic delay
                                1. Reflex patheays for rapid transmission
                                  1. Embryonic tissue, inspiration (coordinating breathing) & saccadic eye movements (moving eyes side to side)
                                  2. chemical
                                    1. most common synapse in mammalian cells
                                      1. unidirectional transmission of signal pre- to post-
                                        1. axodendritic-post onto pre synapse/axosomatic-attatches to cell body/axoaxonic-neuron forms synapse with another pre-synaptic neurone
                                        2. Otto Loewi & 'Vagusstof'-removed neurons,added fluid with chemical-heart rate slowed when no neurone present-found the chemical to be Ach
                                          1. synaptic cleft-extracellular space between the terminal bouton & the post synaptic neuron mem.No direct transfer of current (via neurotransmitter)
                                            1. synaptic vesicles dock at the active zone of the presynaptic neurone. APs arrive & depolarises the mem, Ca2+ channels open,Ca2+ flows in=vesicles fuse
                                              1. chemicals released into cleft & bind receptors on the postsynaptic men (QUANTAL RELEASE).
                                                1. chemicals actively re-uptaken back into vesicles in the presynaptic,degrade or diffuse
                                            2. synaptic delay-time from AP arriving at synapse to AP in postsynaptic (~0.5ms)
                                              1. EPSP-neurontransmitter binding to receptor on post causes the mem to DEPOLARISE (Na+ influx exceeds K+ efflux) CNS:glutamate
                                                1. single EPSP not sufficient to generate AP. Graded potential-summation required to reach threshold
                                                  1. 1000's synapses can simultaneously fire a single neurone, activate different channels & receptors in postsyn. Integration of all EPSPs & IPSPs
                                                    1. = NEURAL COMPUTATION (all or nothing decision-AP fired or not)
                                                    2. spatial summation-signals from pres to one post at the same time, allows threshold to be met & AP fired
                                                      1. Temporal- single pre sends multiple signals in succession-mem potential doesnt have time to return to normal so when second fired=increase & so on...
                                                        1. shunting inhibition-if inhibitory synapse activated at same time as excitatory, the depolarising current leaks out before it reaches the soma
                                                    3. IPSP-neurotransmitter binding causes HYPERPOLARISATION (Cl- influx or K+ efflux) CNS:GABA
                                                      1. Facilitation & fatigue-with repeated presyn stimulation,post response is amplified (EPSP/IPSP) OR decreased.
                                                        1. Facilitation=increase- beneficial-learning or detrimental-chronic pain (signal bigger after continual stimuli=greater pain)
                                                          1. Fatigue-depletion of neurotransmitter stores at presynaptoc terminal-cant produce response as great as in the past
                                                  2. Muscle types (autonomic NS)
                                                    1. smooth muscle (GI tract, blood vessels, uterus)
                                                      1. striated muscle
                                                        1. skeletal (movement, attatched to bone-motor neurone)
                                                          1. each muscle is enclosed in a sheath of connective tissue. Within each muscle are hundreds of muscle fibres
                                                            1. each muscle fibre innervated by a single axon from the CNS. Multiple fibres innervated by branches of one nerve-coordinated contraction of many fibres
                                                              1. somatic motor neurons-nerves that innervate skeletal muscle fibres
                                                                1. cell bodies in spinal cord or brainstem, long branched dendrites which recieve many synaptic connections
                                                                  1. myelinated axons & largest diameter-fast conduction. Axon terminates in NMJ-motor endplate
                                                            2. NMJ
                                                              1. presynaptic nerve, postsynaptic mem of muscle-plasma mem of muscle cell highly folded with many Ach receptors in folds
                                                                1. Ach channels-'all or none'-single channel secured in a portion of mem-either open or closed so always generated same current
                                                                  1. but random duration of opening for single channel (mean=1ms)
                                                                    1. curent can depend on other factors: no. of open channels, Ach conc, channel conductance & mem potential
                                                                  2. 1. AP triggered in motor neuron 2.depolarisation of motor terminal mem
                                                                    1. 3.depolarisation opens Ca2+, flows in-interferrs with docking process between snaar proteins & vesicles=vesicles fuse with mem=release Ach in cleft
                                                                      1. 4.Ach binds to ligand-gated nicotinic Ach receptors=depolarisation of muscle cell mem which causes voltage gated channels to open
                                                                        1. rapid removal of Ach=diffusion away from receptor/breakdown by acetylcholinesterase,reuptake of choline into presynaptic via Na+ co-transporter
                                                                          1. & recycling into vesicles via ATP driven H+ counter-transport
                                                                  3. Ach is released in bursts /guanta. Single quantum causes only a slight depolarization, called a miniature end-plate potential (MEPP)
                                                                    1. 100-200quanta released simultaneously by a nerve impulse, cause multiple MEPPs=summate to produce an EPP=massive depolarisation (-20mv)=
                                                                      1. voltage gated Na+ channels open
                                                                      2. EPP's different from post synaptic potentials (IPSPs, EPSPs)
                                                                      3. drugs & toxins that block NMJ transmission
                                                                        1. Fugu-sushi delicacy (pufferfish)-tetrodotoxin-block voltage-gated Na+ channels so no AP in nerve-rapid decending paralysis & cardiovascular collapse
                                                                          1. Black widow spider venom-binds receptors on presynaptic mems=increases Ca2+ influx-excessive vesicle release rapidly depletes stores=no neurotransmiss
                                                                            1. Cobra bite-a-bungarotoxin binds Ach receptor-prevents receptor activation=paralysis of respiratory muscle
                                                                              1. Curare-arrow tip poison-south american indians use to paralyse prey-Ach receptor antagonist
                                                                              2. Organophosphates-compounds used in insecticides-block breakdown of Ach by acetylcholinesterases-were used in medicated shampoo-linked to brain damage
                                                                                1. botulinum toxin-from bacterium clostridium botulinum-interferes with vesicle docking at synapse-blocks neurotransmitter release=no contraction (BOTOX)
                                                                                2. Myasthenia Gravis-autoimmune-body produces Abs to Ach receptors=reduced mepps,smoothed endplate folds,loss of receptors,hypersensitivity to blockers
                                                                                  1. respond to drugs that inhibit cholinesterase's & prolong action of Ach
                                                                            2. Cardiac (heart, change in heart rate , contracting is autonomous)
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