A section of DNA giving the
instructions for a cell about how
to make a certain type of protein
structural (e.g.
functional (e.g. enzymes
such as amylase)
All the instructions to control how
an organism develops and
functions are found in the nucleus
of its cells and are called genes
genes are sections of DNA
molecules that make up
chromosomes in the nuclei of cells
You and Your Genes
(individuals with
identical genes)
Bacteria, plants and
some animals can
reproduce asexually
to form clones
Differences between
clones are due to
Bulbs or
Animals- artificially,
when the nucleus from
an adult body cell is
transferred to an empty
unfertilised egg cell
Stem Cells
Adult stem cells which
are unspecialised cells
that can develop into
many different types.
unspecialised stem cells
have the potential to
produce cells needed to
replace damaged tissues
and therefore can be
used to treat some
diseases and illnesses