1957- 1964


A level (Conservative, Macmillan 1957-64) British History Mapa Mental sobre 1957- 1964, creado por Marcus Danvers el 14/01/2014.
Marcus  Danvers
Mapa Mental por Marcus Danvers, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Marcus  Danvers
Creado por Marcus Danvers hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

1957- 1964
  1. 1957
    1. 1958
      1. January
        1. Resignation of Thorneycroft, Powell and Birch from exchequer
        2. 1959
          1. 1960
            1. January
              1. Macmillan makes "Wind of changes speech
              2. July
                1. Aneurin Bevan dies
                2. October
                  1. Labour Conference endorses unilateral nuclear disarmament
                  2. 1961
                    1. 1962
                      1. 1963
                        1. 1964
                          1. July
                            1. Edward heath's resale price maintenance act comes into force
                            2. October
                              1. Generl election - slender Labour victory
                            3. January
                              1. De Gaulle vetoes Britain's attempt to join he European Community. Gaitskell unexpectedly dies
                              2. February
                                1. Wilson takes over
                                2. March
                                  1. Profumo lies to commons over the affair with Christine Keeler
                                  2. April
                                    1. Maudling's tax- cutting Budget
                                    2. June
                                      1. Profumo resigns
                                      2. October
                                        1. Macmillan resigns
                                      3. February
                                        1. National Economic Development Council set up
                                        2. July
                                          1. Macmillan "night of the long knives" - sacks a third of cabinet
                                          2. October
                                            1. Vassall spy scandal
                                          3. July
                                            1. Britain applies to join the European Community
                                            2. September
                                              1. Large CND demonstration in Trafalgar Square
                                              2. October
                                                1. Gaitskell gets the Labour Conference to drop unilateral nuclear disarmament
                                                2. November
                                                  1. Private eye is launched as satirical magazine
                                              3. April
                                                1. Heathcoat-Amory offers a giveaway Budget
                                                2. October
                                                  1. General election - convincing Conservative victory
                                                  2. November
                                                    1. First section of M1 motorway opened by Ernest Marples
                                                  3. February
                                                    1. CND holds first meeting
                                                    2. November
                                                      1. Vicky creates "Supermac"
                                                    3. January
                                                      1. Macmillan becomes prime minister
                                                      2. April
                                                        1. Sandys' Defence White paper
                                                        2. July
                                                          1. Macmillan's "Never had it so good" speech at Bedford
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                                                        General Notes
                                                        Charlotte Peacock
                                                        (3) Macmillan approach to domestic policy continued and never had it so good?
                                                        Marcus Danvers
                                                        (2) The Macmillans government approach to domestic policy
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