Classical Conditioning: when a
stimulus acquires the capacity
to evoke a response that was
originally evoked by another
Unconditional stimulus:
stimulus that evokes an
unconditional response
without previous
UCR: Unlearned reaction to an
unconditioned stimulus that
occurs without previous
CS: neutral stimulus that has, through
conditioning response.
CR: Learned reaction to a conditioned
stimulus that occurs because of previous
Classical Conditioning in Everyday Life
Conditioned fear and anxiety
Evaluative conditioning of attitude
Conditioning and physiological responses
Conditioning and drug effects
Basic Processes in Classical Conditioning
Acquisition: forming new responses
Extinction: weakening conditioned responses
Spontaneous Recovery: Resurrecting responses
Stimulus Generalization
Stimulus Discrimination: an organism that has learned a response to a specfic
stimulus does not respond in the same way to new stimuli that are similar to the
original stimulus
Higher-Order Conditioning: a conditioned
stimulus functions as if it were an
unconditioned stimulus
Evolutionary and biological effects on Conditioning
Conditioned Taste Aversion: The "Sauce Bearnaise syndrome"
Preparedness and phobias
Recent Directions in Pavlovian Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Thorndike's Law Effect
Law of effect: response in the presence of a stimulus leads to
satisfying effects, the association between the stimulus and the
response is strengthened
Basic processes in Operant Conditioning
Acquisition and Shaping
Stimulus Control: Generalization and Discrimination
Schedules of Reinforcement: Occurances of a specific
response result in the presentation of a specific
response result in the presentation of a reinforcer
Continuous Reinforcement, Intermittent, Fixed, and variable ratio
Positive and Negative Reinforcement
Positive: when a response is strengthened
because it is followed by the presentation
of a rewarding stimulus
Negative: when a response is strengthened
because it is followed by the removal of an
aversive stimulus
Evolutionary and Biological effects on Conditioning
Evolutionary Perspectives on learning
Response-Outcome relations and reinforcement
Observational Learning
Basic Processes
To Learn a person needs: Attention,
Retention, Reproduction, and Motivation
Observational Learning and the Brain: Mirror Neurons
Mirror neurons are neurons
that are activated by
performing an action or by
seeing another monkey or
person perform the same