
? (Model Maps) OTHY101 Mapa Mental sobre PEOP, creado por Laura Greaves el 29/05/2016.
Laura Greaves
Mapa Mental por Laura Greaves, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Laura Greaves
Creado por Laura Greaves hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

    1. past, current and future choices, perceptions, interests, goals and needs that are unique to:
      1. individual
        1. organisation
          1. population
        2. PERSON
          1. COGNITION
            1. communication,social skills, awareness, memory
            2. SPIRITUALITY
              1. meaning and sense making
              2. PHYSIOLOGICAL
                1. sleep, nutrition, fitness and health e.g. endurance and pain
                2. PSYCHOLOGICAL
                  1. identity, self esteem, emotional regulation, motivation
                  2. MOTOR
                    1. strength, balance, movement
                    2. SENSORY
                      1. 5 senses
                    3. OCCUPATION
                      1. ROLES
                        1. positions in society with expected responsibilities and priveleges
                        2. ACTIVITIES
                          1. goal directed pursuits carried out over time, have meaning and consist of multiple tasks
                          2. TASKS
                            1. combination of actions sharing a common purpose
                            2. ACTIONS
                              1. recognizable & observable behaviours
                            3. ENVIRONMENT
                              1. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY
                                1. EDUCATION & POLICY
                                  1. SOCIAL SUPPORT & SOCIAL CAPITAL
                                    1. CULTURE
                                      1. SOCIAL DETERMINANTS
                                        1. PHYSICAL & NATURAL
                                        Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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