Comedy can exert pressure on public opinion and public policy
A consistent slant on something represents own opinion of dramatist, encouraging audience to take it up
It is the poets duty to make people into better citizens
Lived c. 446 - c. 386 BC
Peloponnesian War (431–404 bce)
Between imperialist Athens and conservative Sparta
Athens was at its height of power and fame
Radical democracy, all adult male citzens had equal share in policy decisions
All over-30's equal opportunity to take part in administration of justice
Athens fighting half of Greece and Persia, 3 continents
Peace of Greece=Athen's
greatest sea-power,
Sparta greatest
415, Athens invades Sicily, provoking Sparta
413 Sicilian Expedition disaster
Alcibiades, Athenian general (exiled to Sparta for offences against religion) seized fortified base close to Athens, crisis forms background to Lysistrata
411- Coup overthrow Athenian democracy
Regime- 'Four hundred' failed peace
Oligarchy 'Five thousand'
410, more radical version of old democracy
Presented his plays at comedy competitions of the Lenaea and Dionysia festivals
Use of chorus, mime, and burlesque
Aristophanes lampooned the most important personalities and institutions of his day
Cleon, Hyperbolus, Cleophon
Prosecution threat 420's for attacks on Cleon
Immense, kaleidoscopic artistry
Inventiveness in word/image/structure/sound/sight
Denies him serious aims in political or social fields
Never openly opposes democracy
Ridicules features
Use of mass juries dominated by elderly, poor
Daily jury service payments waste of public money
Accepts it as only political system available
Is not always supportive of war, but voices Athenian pride in victories over Persians at Marathon 490, Salamis 480
Ideal vision of Greek politics was Athens and Sparta ruling Greece together. Never happened.