Flooding case studies


Geogrpahy Mapa Mental sobre Flooding case studies, creado por Ruth Armitage el 25/04/2013.
Ruth Armitage
Mapa Mental por Ruth Armitage, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ruth Armitage
Creado por Ruth Armitage hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Flooding case studies
  1. Bangladesh
    1. Physical causes
      1. Low lying country - mostly delta - The Ganges, The Brahmaputra, The Meghna
        1. Gently sloped flood plain - water spreads over large areas and material in the flood plain erodes the banks
          1. Sources of the rivers are in the Himalayas, so monsoon rainfall is intensified by the height of the land
            1. Snowmelt from the Himalayas adds to discharge in Spring
            2. Human causes
              1. Rapid urbanisation - Dhaka at the confluence of The Ganges and The Meghna
                1. Many people are poor and poorly prepared for floods
                  1. Population pressure in Nepal and Tibet to the North
                    1. Deforestation in the foothills of the Himalayas as trees are cleared for fuel and grazing land
                    2. Use of irrigation channels to the north
                      1. slows the flow of water
                        1. more silt deposited in land, less at the edge of the delta
                    3. Social impacts
                      1. 36 million made homeless
                        1. 800 deaths
                          1. Lack of access to clean drinking water
                            1. Can result in gastro-intestinal diseases e.g. Cholera
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