Conservative Weaknesses


(The 'Liberal Landslide' 1906) British History Mapa Mental sobre Conservative Weaknesses, creado por ellen.harrison el 26/02/2014.
Mapa Mental por ellen.harrison, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ellen.harrison hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Conservative Weaknesses
  1. The Boer War
    1. In short term, benefited the Conservatives
      1. Long term, contributed to defeat
      2. In 1900 helped Conservatives win an impressive electoral victory
        1. Patriotic support for government
          1. War split Liberal Party
          2. Far more costly in lives and money than had been expected
            1. Some methods used to defeat the Boers caused moral outrage in Britain
              1. Revealed extent of poverty in the cities and the need for social reforms
                1. Liberal gained support by claiming that Conservatives had neglected this
                2. Also encouraged Joseph Chamberlain to push his campaign for Tariff reform
                  1. Divided the Party in Conservative electoral campaign in 1906
                  2. End of War gave Liberals opportunity to heal their divisions and offer a real alternative to the Conservatives
                  3. The 1902 Education Act
                    1. Roused fury of non-conformists - led many of them to revert to Liberal Party
                      1. Before 1902 Anglican and Catholic schools had been funded by their churches
                        1. The Act provided for all schools and be funded from LOCAL RATES
                          1. Non-conformists outraged that their taxes might be spent on school to which they strongly object
                        2. Campaign against the Act
                          1. Some English non-conformists refused to pay their tax
                            1. In Wales, a campaign organised by Liberal MP David Lloyd George
                              1. Persuaded them to show disapproval of this Conservative Policy by electing Liberals in the Welsh 1904 county council elections
                            2. The 1904 Licensing Act
                              1. Annoyed non-conformists
                                1. Proposed to compensate brewers and publicans for the cancellation of licenses
                                  1. Brewers voters of Conservative
                                  2. Aimed at reducing number of public houses
                                    1. Denounced as 'brewer's bill'
                                      1. Many non-conformists already voted Liberals anyway but many returned to voting Liberals after moving due over Home Rule for Ireland
                                        1. Non- conformists strong in Wales and could help swing the vote in marginal constituencies
                                        2. Evidence from by- elections showing that Liberal support increased after 1902 and 1904 acts
                                          1. Encouraged revival of Liberals after its divisions over the Boer War
                                          2. Campaigns helped reunite the Liberals and so laid basis for success in 1906
                                          3. The Chinese Labour Issue
                                            1. 'Chinese Slavery' issue between 1902 -04 caused a scandal - damaged the Conservative government with non-conformists and trade unionists
                                              1. Chinese labourers who would work for very low wages, were being imported into South Africa
                                                1. Raised moral outcry
                                                  1. Non-conformists - over treatment of the Chinese
                                                  2. British Trade Unionists feared that employers might bring in the Chinese Labourers, pushing down wages at home
                                                    1. Unemployment high in 1905 and inadequate support for the unemployed
                                                      1. Opposition to the 'Chinese Slavery' Issue took votes away from the Conservatives
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                                                  The 'Liberal Landslide' 1906
                                                  Summary of key issues around 'Liberal Landslide'
                                                  British Empire
                                                  Charles I: 1625-42
                                                  Britain Under Margaret Thatcher - Timeline
                                                  Alanna Pearson
                                                  Lib-Lab Pact
                                                  Lloyd-George and the Coalition Government 1918-1922
                                                  Amelia S
                                                  (4) Why did the Conservative lose the 1964 General Election?
                                                  Marcus Danvers
                                                  Lloyd-George's Highlights and Downfalls
                                                  Amelia S
                                                  OCR History : British Depth Study 1939 - 1975 [PART 2: Immigration how did it change Britain and Asian Immigration]
                                                  Joe Barry
                                                  (3) Macmillan approach to domestic policy continued and never had it so good?
                                                  Marcus Danvers