Learning Enviroments


Learning enviroments
Angie Angelica
Mapa Mental por Angie Angelica, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Angie Angelica
Creado por Angie Angelica hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Learning Enviroments
  1. U- Learning Mobile generation. It is a group of activities, interaction with tutors, learners and content.
    1. P - Learning It bases in technology a massive online course. Users expand information via online
      1. T- learning Transformative learning process, development of a new ideas. Learning approach based on accessing interactive educational material of a predominantly audiovisual nature.
        1. M-Learning It is an interactive opportunity to share knowledge platform independent and portable access
          1. C-Learning Collaboration cooperative learning,. In C learning student centered in other words personalization study, deeping thinking, connecting, learning collectively innovative
            1. B-Learning ( blended Learning) It is a mix of different learning methods. It helps to learn in different circunstances
              1. E- Learning It is an electronic learning a new desiner to learn. it is about using information an communication
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                Diferencia entre e-learning, b-learning y m-learning
                Cecilia Pinatte Salvatecci
                Juan Tapia
                Conceptos básicos del E-Learning
                Gabriel Quintana
                M - B - U - Learning
                Lorena Ramos
                Desafios del e-learning y el b-learning en la educacion superior
                Andrea España Ru
                El aprendizaje en un entorno virtual y su protagonista, el estudiante virtual.
                Laura Nathalia Contreras Soler
                La didáctica en la sociedad del conocimiento y los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje
                ADRIANA ROMERO
                Plataformas computacionales para la educación virtual y Web 2.0
                Victor Velez
                Didáctica en la sociedad de conocimiento y los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje
                Primeros Pasos del E- Learning
                Alberto Martinez