Th1L07 Competitive and non-competitive inhibitors


(Theme 1 | Cells and organelles) Medicine Y1 Mapa Mental sobre Th1L07 Competitive and non-competitive inhibitors, creado por Emma Allde el 17/08/2016.
Emma Allde
Mapa Mental por Emma Allde, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emma Allde
Creado por Emma Allde hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Th1L07 Competitive and non-competitive inhibitors
  1. Competitive inhibitors
    1. block the enzyme active site
      1. Alter the apparent Km not the Vmax
        1. Increase the [S] it takes to reach Vmax
          1. Reduces the steepness of the slope
          2. E.g. Malonate
            1. Inhibits succinate dehydrogenase
              1. Takes up the active site, blocking succinate (the substrate) from entering the succinate dehydrogenase
            2. Non-competitive
              1. reversible or irreversible
                1. cannot reach the same Vmax
                  1. Km and Vmax/2 is the same
                    1. Does not directly block the active site
                      1. Interfere in some other way with the catalytic mechanisms
                        1. irreversibly poisons the enzyme
                        2. e.g. chealator (EDTA)
                          1. Reversible non-competitive enzyme inhibitor
                            1. Inhibits Mg2+ requiring enzyme
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