General System Theory


Bibliografía: 1. 2. 3.
Juan Sebastián Cubillos Gonzalez
Mapa Mental por Juan Sebastián Cubillos Gonzalez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Juan Sebastián Cubillos Gonzalez
Creado por Juan Sebastián Cubillos Gonzalez hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

General System Theory
  1. What is General System Theory?
    1. The General Systems Theory becomes the result of much the movement of general systems research
      1. An orderly and scientifically approach and representation of the real world
      2. History of General Systems Theory
        1. The idea of a "general systems theory" was introduced by Bertalanffy before cybernetics
          1. Köhler made the statement of a theory of systems aimed at developing the most general properties of inorganic systems
            1. Lotka's work (1925) was the one that deals with a general concept of systems
              1. The Society for General Systems Research was organized in 1954
              2. Facts
                1. Systems concepts
                  1. Input
                    1. Output
                      1. Process
                        1. Information
                        2. The same concepts and principles of organizations underlie different disciplines, (sociology, biology, business, technology), providing a basis for their unification
                        3. How is GST relevant to us?
                          1. Symbolic system
                            1. Language and organizations
                            2. Sociocultural systems
                              1. People operate in groups
                              2. Humans
                                1. People have history
                                2. Animals
                                  1. Classification in subgroups and organization
                                  2. Open systems
                                    1. Effects of external events
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                                  Sistema de procesamiento en Bases de datos
                                  Tipos de Sistemas Operativos
                                  Hernan Gonzalez
                                  Teoría General de Sistemas
                                  Habilidades de la cultura digital
                                  Oscar Mantilla
                                  General Systems Theory.
                                  Hector Vergara Martinez
                                  Redes Telemáticas
                                  Hernan Gonzalez
                                  REDES DE AREA METROPOLITANA
                                  Andrés Mora
                                  Clasificación de los presupuestos
                                  Carlos Vega
                                  AUDITORIA DE SISTEMAS
                                  Alex Hg
                                  COSTOS Y PRESUPUESTOS
                                  Walter Fandiño
                                  INGLES II
                                  Walter Fandiño