My training path.


B2 bulats
Jael Lopez
Mapa Mental por Jael Lopez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jael Lopez
Creado por Jael Lopez hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

My training path.
  1. Programming Courses
    1. This webpage offers 50 courses you can have for free, some of them are in english and the reason is that most of programming lenguages are in english.
      1. Programming is important for the career , the more lenguages you know ,your oportunity to get a better job increase , because programming is use to automate machines processes , and there are a huge variety of lenguages , so it is important to have at least few skills with them.
        2. This website offers free online programming courses from ALISON, you will learn programming including C programming, PHP, MySQL and more. These computer programming courses are suitable for anyone looking to enter the programming field or to further their education,
          1. One of the most important areas for mechatronics is programming, because machines need a code so they can operate. Programming is basically to give instructions to the machine of what you want to the machine do , but for doing that , you must know machines lenguage . All this thing are what programming area involves.
              1. Any lenguage is useful for the career
          2. Analysis and Design of Digital Control Systems
            1. This course is useful for the career , because most of machines employ digital control to make a process , so it is importan to know how to analize and design digital control systems.
              1. This is an introduction course to control synthesis systems in which the digital computer plays an important role. This course covers the next topics: real-time computer architecture, input-output interfaces , data converters and analysis of sampled-data control systems using classical and modern (state-space) methods
                2. Arduino´s course
                  1. Arduino is Hardware and software where you can building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control physical devices
                    2. This course is useful because arduino is one of the most popular hardware and software to design programs which controls and interact physical devices.
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