National Health Priority Area's (NHPA's)


(Health and Human Development SAC 2) Mapa Mental sobre National Health Priority Area's (NHPA's), creado por mikaela.farrugia el 12/03/2014.
Mapa Mental por mikaela.farrugia, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por mikaela.farrugia hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

National Health Priority Area's (NHPA's)
  1. What are they?
    1. Define: diseases or conditions selected by the government and as key focus areas for improvements
      1. involves many stakeholders (gov and non gov)
        1. overlooked by a National Health Priority Action council
          1. selected as a result of
            1. contribute greatly to B.O.D
              1. potential for significant improvement
                1. potential to reduce health inequalities
                  1. potential for health initiatives to be put in place
                2. The 9 Areas
                  1. Mental Health
                    1. Asthma
                      1. Dementia
                        1. Diabetes Mellitus
                          1. Cancer Control
                            1. Obesity
                              1. Musculoskeletal conditions & arthritis
                                1. Injury prevention and control
                                  1. Cardiovascular Health
                                  2. Costs
                                    1. Direct Costs
                                      1. Explanation
                                        1. Define: costs associated with preventing disease or condition and providing health services to people suffering from it.
                                          1. include costs associated with developing and implementing health promotions, diagnosis, management and treatment
                                            1. Can put Dollar value $$
                                            2. Individual
                                              1. those paid by the person
                                                1. ambulance, tests, surgery and fees not covered by medicare or PHI, medicine bot covered by PBS
                                              2. Community
                                                1. costs associated with implanting health promotion strategies and diagnosing/treating the condition which are paid by the community
                                                  1. Usually paid by medicqe, PHI or PBS
                                                    1. costs to operate hospitals, visits to professionals, implementation of programs
                                                2. Indirect Costs
                                                  1. Explanation
                                                    1. Define: not directly related to diagnosis or treatment of disease, but do occur as a result of a person having a disease.
                                                      1. financial cost able to be calculated but not constant
                                                        1. can include paying for things that the individual used to do
                                                        2. Individual
                                                          1. loss of income as can't work
                                                            1. employing someone else to carry out duties
                                                              1. transport costs
                                                              2. Community
                                                                1. loss of productivity
                                                                  1. welfare payments
                                                                    1. loss of tax revenue
                                                                  2. Intangible Costs
                                                                    1. Explantion
                                                                      1. very difficult to put a monetary value on them
                                                                        1. usually emotional
                                                                          1. Define: things that cannot be measured physically or with a monetary measure, such as pain and suffering
                                                                          2. Individual
                                                                            1. pain and suffering
                                                                              1. stress
                                                                                1. self esteem
                                                                                  1. loss of participation
                                                                                  2. Community
                                                                                    1. loss of participation
                                                                                      1. emotional impacts (grief)
                                                                                  3. Health Promotions
                                                                                    1. Define: the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health
                                                                                      1. aim to improve health and reduce costs to individuals and communities
                                                                                        1. change behaviours
                                                                                        2. focus is on prevention
                                                                                          1. education
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                                                                                        The role of nutrients in addressing the NHPAs
                                                                                        Types of Dementia
                                                                                        Types of Diabetes
                                                                                        Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium and Vitamin D
                                                                                        Mental Health!.......
                                                                                        Cardiovascular Health!......
                                                                                        Diabetes Mellitus!.....
                                                                                        Cancer Control!.....