

(Health and Human Development SAC 2) Mapa Mental sobre Asthma!....., creado por mikaela.farrugia el 13/03/2014.
Mapa Mental por mikaela.farrugia, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por mikaela.farrugia hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Description & Why is it an NHPA?
    1. Define: inflammation of the airways which causes them to narrow and leads to difficulty in breathing.
      1. begin at any stage in life but most likely to develop in childhood
        1. No cure but can be controlled by a reliever such as Ventolin
          1. Attacks can be severe and cause respiratory arrests resulting in hospitalisation and sometimes death.
            1. It is an NHPA b/c it is responsible for 2.3% of BOD, suffered by 2.5 million, most commonly reported long term condition and one of the most frequent reasons for hospitalisation with significant treatment costs.
            2. Costs
              1. Direct
                1. Individuals
                  1. health services
                    1. medication
                      1. ambulance
                      2. community
                        1. medicare/PHI/PBS
                          1. health initiatives
                        2. Indirect
                          1. Individuals
                            1. lost income
                              1. cost of carers
                              2. Community
                                1. lost productivity
                                  1. lost tax revenue
                                    1. children miss school
                                      1. Parents productivity and financial costs
                                    2. Intangible
                                      1. Individuals
                                        1. missing school
                                          1. Increased anxiety if attacks are frequent
                                            1. Frustration because you cant participate in physical activity
                                            2. Community
                                              1. anxiety by parents with young asthma suffers
                                                1. Anxiety if suffered by elderly and they live alone
                                            3. Determinants
                                              1. Biological
                                                1. Excess body weight
                                                  1. overweight = high risk
                                                  2. Genetic Predisposition
                                                    1. family history more likely
                                                    2. Gender
                                                      1. males more likely up to age of 15
                                                      2. Age
                                                        1. common in those 1-24 yo
                                                      3. Behavioural
                                                        1. Tobacco Smoke
                                                          1. exposure to uterus may lead to increase asthma in the bab
                                                            1. smoking increases rates of asthma
                                                          2. Physical Environment
                                                            1. Air quality
                                                              1. Major cities and industrial areas at an increased risk
                                                              2. Work Environment
                                                                1. exposure to pollutants can increase the risk
                                                                2. Environmental Tobacco Smoke
                                                                  1. Second hand smoke is risk factor for young children
                                                                  2. Housing
                                                                    1. inadequate ventilation may increase the pollution and risk of asthma for people living in the house
                                                                  3. Social
                                                                    1. Socioeconomic Status
                                                                      1. more likely to have asthma
                                                                        1. Higher smoking rates and increased exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
                                                                        2. Early Life Experiences
                                                                          1. Mothers who smoke in the womb may elevate child’s risk
                                                                      2. Health Promotion
                                                                        1. Asthma Friendly Schools program
                                                                          1. aims to reduce exposure to potential triggers in schools and provide education on how to manage asthma
                                                                          2. National Asthma Council
                                                                            1. Triple A program
                                                                              1. facilitates peer education to reduce the impact asthma has on young suffers
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