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1905 Revolution
A-Levels History - Russia Mapa Mental sobre 1905 Revolution, creado por Gemma Bradford el 30/04/2013.
Sin etiquetas
history - russia
history - russia
Mapa Mental por
Gemma Bradford
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Gemma Bradford
hace más de 11 años
Resumen del Recurso
1905 Revolution
economic depression of 1902 led to unemployment
created social tension
Witte industralisation gave workers low wages
Wittes reforms encouraged ideas for social and political reforms
increase in taxes caused outrage among peasants
food shortages from war
harvest failures = famine
increase in education led to spread of revolutionary ideas
poor working/living conditions provoked bloody sunday
minorities wanted more autonomy and end of Russification
students protested against repressive government
workers had long hours and little pay
industralisation caused rapid population growth
Russo-Japanese war February 1904
food shortages
high prices
Tsarist repressive regime
Nicholas encouraged idea of reforms
autocratic government different from rest of Europe
Bloody Sunday massacre
Tsar's troops fired on peaceful revolutionaries outside palace when Tsar was absent
government seen as incompotent
reformist groups formed
SR wanted peasant revolution to create socialism around peasant communes
SD wanted working classes to stage revolution to create socialist state, then communism
October Manifesto
put forward in fear of being overthrown
promised reforms and proposal for an elected national parliament
promised freedom of speech, religion and civil rights
Fundamental laws
1906 creation of national parliament with Duma elected
article 87: Tsar had right to govern by decree
1st 1906
wanted major land and political reform
dissolved after 73 days
2nd 1907
many reformers
dissolved November 1907
3rd 1907-1912
only wealthy could vote for members
Tsar faced little demand for reform
Black Hundreds
antisemitic groups formed
landowners, bueracrats, police officials and clergymen
raids against revolutionary groups and Jews
1) St Petersburg strike
2) soviets appeared in towns, strike committee
3) trade unions illegally formed
4) peasants union demanded land be common property of the people
5) students striked
6) Japan defeats Russia
7) promise of national assembly, but opposition too large
8) workers on strike, set up soviet with Trotsky
9) officials in ministry and treasury striked
10) Tsar summoned Witte for help
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