Reasons why Hitler became so popular in Germany


Cambridge IGCSE (Germany) History Mapa Mental sobre Reasons why Hitler became so popular in Germany, creado por moaw123 el 20/03/2014.
Mapa Mental por moaw123, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por moaw123 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Reasons why Hitler became so popular in Germany
  1. Propaganda
    1. Goebbels
    2. public speaking abilities
      1. messages/slogans
        1. constant themes
          1. employment


            • 6 million unemployed
            1. offer strong leadership
          2. SA
            1. Soup kitchens
            2. anticommunism
              1. beat up communists


                • link to SA
              2. people vote for negative reasons
                1. stop communist come to power
                  1. reperations
                    1. loss of government structure
                      1. collapse of the weimar republic
                        1. reichstag
                    2. fix things
                      1. agriculture prices drop by 42%
                        1. 18000 farmers go bankrupt
                        2. 5 major banks go bankrupt
                        3. media and publicity in the form of trial.
                          1. changes in the nazis strategies
                            1. armed rebellion and SA
                            2. SS and youth + others formed in 26


                              • party membership goes from 27000 to 100000 
                              1. Wall street crash made people desperate
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                                Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
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                                Germany 1918-39
                                Cam Burke
                                Weimar Revision
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                                Hitler's Chancellorship
                                Weimar Germany 1919: The Spartacists and the constitution
                                Chris Clayton
                                Why the Nazis Achieved Power in 1933 - essay intro/conclusion
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                                Britain and World War 2
                                Ligia Herbst
                                Hitler's rise to Chancellorship Jan '33
                                Simon Hinds
                                Weimar Republic - Problems facing it from 1918 - 1923
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                                Rise Of Power
                                4. Civil War