The Response System


Mind map of all response systems
Ben Grimes
Mapa Mental por Ben Grimes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ben Grimes
Creado por Ben Grimes hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Response System
  1. Muscular
    1. This allows the body to move during exercise
      1. The muscles are given blood to move with the heart
      2. Three types of muscle-
        1. Visceral, cardiac, and skeletal.
          1. These three types all allow different movement and structures for the body
        2. There are three types of muscle fibre
          1. Type 1
            1. Type one is used for long distance or marathon running
              1. This is because it allows a lot of energy into the body and this can be used to run for long periods of time
            2. Type 2A
              1. This muscle fibre is for games players and allows them to use both high and low intensity of exercise
              2. Type 2B
                1. Type two B is used for sprinting, this is because it loads of explosive power. This is ideal for a sprinter
              3. Short term responses
                1. Muscle fiber recruitment
                  1. We recruit the right muscle fiber depending on the exercises intensity
                  2. Muscle temperature increases
                    1. This warms up the muscles and makes them elastic like
                    2. Muscle tears
                      1. Allows muscles to expand and get stronger
                      2. Increase blood flow to the working muscles
                        1. Increase in heart rate and blood vessels dilate.
                    3. Cardiovascular
                      1. The cardiovascular system is made up of the circulatory system and the heart
                        1. The heart allows the blood to be pumped through, Veins, arteries and blood vessels
                          1. Blood vessels
                            1. Allows blood to travel to the needed systems and back quickly and efficiently
                            2. Veins are used to pump blood around the body
                          2. SHort term responses
                            1. Before
                              1. Increased heart rate
                                1. Increase in anticipatiory rise
                                  1. Increased blood flow to the working muscles
                            2. During
                              1. Heart rate increases
                                1. Stroke volume increases
                                  1. Cardiact output increase
                                    1. Vascular shunting
                                      1. Blood pressure increase
                                        1. Vasodialation
                                          1. Increase in venus return
                            3. Respiriotry
                              1. There are many parts to the system
                                1. The heart
                                  1. The heart allows the lungs to respire
                                  2. The lungs
                                    1. The lungs allow us to breath
                                  3. Short term responses
                                    1. Before
                                      1. Increased heart rate
                                        1. Increased blood flow to the working muscles
                                          1. Increase in anticipatory rise (adrenaline)
                                      2. During
                                        1. Heart rate increases
                                          1. Stroke volume increases
                                            1. Cardiac output
                                              1. Vascular shunting
                                                1. Blood pressure increases
                                                  1. Vasodialation
                                                    1. Increase in venus return
                                    2. Skeletal
                                      1. 206 Bones
                                        1. Long and short bones
                                          1. Long Bones
                                            1. Movement and blood production
                                            2. Short Bones
                                              1. Support
                                            3. types of joint
                                              1. There are three types of joint
                                                1. immovable
                                                  1. The crainum
                                                  2. Semi- moveable
                                                    1. Spine
                                                    2. Syovial
                                                      1. Hip
                                                  3. Short term responses
                                                    1. The production of syovial fluid
                                                      1. This allows for a full range of movement during exercise
                                                      2. The production of osteoclasts
                                                        1. These help maintain bone strength and are produced during weight bearing activity
                                                    2. Endocri
                                                      1. Has two parts
                                                        1. Adrenal glands
                                                          1. This again has two parts
                                                            1. Cortex
                                                              1. Secrets steriod hormones
                                                              2. Medulla
                                                                1. Secrets epinephrine and norepinephrine
                                                                  1. This changes the heart rate, blood pressure and the level of glucose
                                                            2. Pancreas
                                                              1. Specilised cells produce 2 hormones
                                                                1. Insulin
                                                                  1. Used to maintain stable blood sugar
                                                                    1. They both produce the enzymes
                                                                  2. Glucagon
                                                                    1. This functions in digestion
                                                              2. Short term responeses
                                                                1. Release epinephrine and norepinephrine into the blood
                                                                  1. Release thyroxin into the blood
                                                                    1. Release cholestrol into the blood
                                                              3. Energy
                                                                1. Anerobic
                                                                  1. PC
                                                                    1. This last for 10-12 seconds of work
                                                                      1. Maximal intesity
                                                                        1. Explosive characteristics
                                                                        2. Lactic acid system
                                                                          1. Lats 60-90 seconds
                                                                            1. Used for high intensity 80-90%
                                                                              1. Replenish time- 20 mins to 2 hours
                                                                            2. Aerobic
                                                                              1. Aerobic glycolosis
                                                                                1. Products
                                                                                  1. Makes 2 ATP
                                                                                    1. Pyruvic acid and Coenzyme A make Acetyle CoA which is used as the starting point for the kerbs cycle
                                                                                  2. The krebs cycle
                                                                                    1. Creates four products
                                                                                      1. CO2 is created and removed
                                                                                        1. Hydrogen is produced and then used in the ETC
                                                                                          1. There is 2 ATP made
                                                                                            1. The regeneration of oxaloacetic acide
                                                                                          2. The ETC
                                                                                            1. Products
                                                                                              1. Makes 34 ATP
                                                                                                1. NAD + FAD is used with Hydrogen to make H2O
                                                                                          3. Nervous system
                                                                                            1. Two main parts
                                                                                              1. The CNS
                                                                                                1. Central nervous system
                                                                                                  1. Contains the brain and spinal cord
                                                                                                2. The PNS
                                                                                                  1. Peripheral nervous system
                                                                                                    1. Consists of mainly nerves
                                                                                                      1. These are long fibers that connect to the CNS
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