EPQ- should we legalise cannibis?


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Jade Luke
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Jade Luke
Creado por Jade Luke hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

EPQ- should we legalise cannibis?
  1. what is cannabis?
    1. who has used it?
      1. history of weed and why it was made illegal
        1. inspiration
          1. current event as american states are starting to legalise it
            1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YWe5kjG35M-13/10
            2. facts about who smokes what and at what age does this occur
              1. punishment for being caught with it
              2. for
                1. crime rate goes down
                  1. takes money from drug lords
                    1. can be taxed and money can be saved from police doing drug searches
                      1. no one has died from it
                        1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPszR0-vTqc-13/10
                          1. smoke 680kg in fifteen mins to die/ eat 22kg
                      2. against
                        1. gateway drug
                          1. will it encourage more young people to take drugs
                            1. promotes laziness
                              1. smells
                                1. dad went to Detroit- personal experience
                              2. affect on the brain
                                1. schizophrenia?
                                  1. compare to alcohol and caffiene
                                    1. affect on the body
                                      1. long term
                                        1. short term
                                      2. medical applications
                                        1. glaucoma
                                          1. cancer
                                            1. https://unitedpatientsgroup.com/resources/illnesses-treatable-with-medical-cannabis- 13/10/16
                                            2. case study
                                              1. colorado
                                                1. detroit
                                                  1. Canada 2017
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                                                  Conceptos Básicos de la Física
                                                  Diego Santos
                                                  tipos de herramientas
                                                  Inteligencias Múltiples (H. Gardner)
                                                  Gonzalo Nava Badillo
                                                  Estructura del Estado Colombiano
                                                  Omar N. Grisales
                                                  SISTEMA DE GESTIÒN DE CALIDAD ISO 9001
                                                  yina sanabria
                                                  ELEMENTOS Y CONCEPTOS FUNDAMENTALES trabajo final
                                                  Historia del Consejo de Normas Internaciones de Contabilidad
                                                  Karime Toledo Estudillo
                                                  ¿CUÁNTOS INSTRUMENTOS CONOCES?
                                                  Estrella Roba Rodríguez
                                                  Plantilla para clasificar los hallazgos en la viñeta clínica.
                                                  FÓRMULAS Geométricas...
                                                  Ulises Yo