DNA sequencing


BSc degree Bioinformatics Mapa Mental sobre DNA sequencing, creado por yolajoy el 01/04/2014.
Mapa Mental por yolajoy, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por yolajoy hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

DNA sequencing
  1. Maxan and Gilbert method
    1. 1 - double stranded DNA is labeled using radioactive phosphate (phosphate 32) at the 5' end of each strand
      1. the attachment of Phosphate 32 is done using a polynucleotide kinase enzyme and 32P-dATP
      2. 2 - the double stranded DNA is treated with dimethyl sulphoxide and heated to 90 degree centigrade to separate the strands
        1. these strands are then purified
        2. 3 - the strands are treated with various chemicals which cause base modification
          1. formic acid modifies purines (A and G)
            1. dimethyl sulphate modifies guanine
              1. hydrazine modifies pyrimidines
                1. adding NaCl prevents modification of thymines
              2. 4 - the altered/modified bases are removed, hot piperidine is used to cleave the sequence at modified bases
                1. the remaining strands of DNA undergo gel electrophoresis, through these results we can work out what the DNA base sequence is


              3. Sanger method
                1. next generation sequencing
                  1. sequencing by synthesis
                    1. sequencing by ligation
                      1. single molecule sequencing
                      2. is finding the order of nucleotides in a piece of DNA
                        1. sequencing can be done on anything which contains genetic information
                          1. animals
                            1. plants
                              1. bacteria
                                1. archaea
                                2. depending on the method used you may be provided with DNA or RNA sequences
                                3. sequencing can be used to determine the sequence of
                                  1. individual genes
                                    1. large genetic regions such as gene clusters or operons
                                      1. chromosomes
                                        1. entire genomes
                                        2. the results of sequencing may be used by
                                          1. researchers to further scientific progress
                                            1. by medical proffessionals to aid treatment decisions and genetic counselling
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                                            DNA sequencing