
SQA Advanced Higher RMPS Mapa Mental sobre RMPS NAB, creado por Rosie:) el 01/04/2014.
Mapa Mental por Rosie:), actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Rosie:) hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Euthyprho
    1. Where does morality come from?
      1. God or the gods?
        1. Ourselves (reason)?
        2. Once God/the gods decree something is right does it become right or are some things right regardless of what God/the gods say?
          1. raises the possibility of a higher authority than God/the gods
            1. the Greek gods were fickle
              1. Socrates
              2. Divine Command Theory (Religious Authority)
                1. God is right/moral
                  1. holy books e.g. Bible
                    1. interpretations
                    2. moral code e.g. 10 commandments
                    3. Utilitarian
                      1. greatest good for the greatest number
                        1. Act
                          1. outcome of actions
                          2. Rule
                            1. following agreed rules
                            2. consequential ethics
                              1. women should have "perfect equality" J. S. Mill
                              2. Kantian Ethics
                                1. Duty - determined through reason
                                  1. intention
                                    1. categorical imperative - universal, must be applied to everyone in ever situation
                                      1. good will
                                      2. Kant in relation to gender
                                        1. women cannot be 'used' as an ends to a man's gratification
                                          1. it is never a man's duty to assault a women
                                            1. domestic violence goes against common sense or reason and therefore it cannot be right
                                              1. the universal maxim cannot be applied since men would not want to be violated therefore they shouldn't violate women
                                              2. media portrayal of women
                                                1. housewives
                                                  1. portrayed as being happy in this role with no desire to change
                                                  2. unintelligent
                                                    1. focus on body image to appeal to men's taste
                                                    2. Feminism
                                                      1. keeping women 'in their place' is morally wrong
                                                        1. women have rights
                                                          1. women are not inferior in ability etc
                                                            1. they must be given choice and opportunities in all things
                                                              1. campaigned for equality - 1970 Equal Pay Act etc
                                                                1. "the housewife is an unpaid employee" - Greer
                                                                2. Developing World
                                                                  1. 2012
                                                                    1. 800 women die in childbirth or soon after ever day
                                                                      1. 99% of those are women
                                                                      2. younger women are more at risk - less developed
                                                                      3. 1990 - 2010 mortality dropped by 50%
                                                                        1. result of millennium development goal/UN
                                                                        2. those in rural communities more at risk
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