Functional & Divisional Structures


Functional & Divisional Structures
Rawad Mroueh
Mapa Mental por Rawad Mroueh, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Rawad Mroueh
Creado por Rawad Mroueh hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Functional & Divisional Structures
  1. Functional Structures
    1. An organizational structure composed of all the departments that an organization requires to produce its goods or services
    2. Divisional Structure
      1. Product Structure
        1. Managers organize divisions according to the type of good or service they provide
        2. Create a series of business units to produce a specific kind of product for a specific kind of customer
          1. Geographic Structure
            1. Managers organize divisions according to the area of the country or world they operate in
            2. Market Structure
              1. Manangers organize divisions according to the type of customer they focus on
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