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Disclosure - Case Study


Mapa Mental sobre Disclosure - Case Study, creado por Ella Budgett el 15/01/2017.
Ella Budgett
Mapa Mental por Ella Budgett, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ella Budgett
Creado por Ella Budgett hace alrededor de 8 años
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resumen del Recurso

Disclosure - Case Study
  1. Character traits
    1. Funny
      1. Loving
        1. Laid back
        2. Synergy
          1. Use same artistic designs throughout marketing (e.g. album cover and promo shots)
            1. Same fonts across all platforms and for track titles on their website
              1. Continued use of artistic design in music videos and on webite
              2. Social Media
                1. Use this platform to promote their own views on things (e.g. political opinions)
                  1. Let their personality shine through by posting funny pictures on both twitter and instagram
                    1. Interact with fans by asking questions and posting videos with captions of apprecitation
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