Accounting principles and prcoedures


Mapa Mental sobre Accounting principles and prcoedures, creado por lpwhitaker88 el 13/04/2014.
Mapa Mental por lpwhitaker88, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lpwhitaker88 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Accounting principles and prcoedures
  1. Profit and loss accounts / income statements
    1. Summary of the business's income and expenditure transactions, prepared usually on an annual basis.
      1. Turnover - cost of sales (gross profit)
        1. minus admin expenses = operating profit
          1. tax on op profit (net profit)
            1. admin expenses - wages/NI/rent/service charges/rate/insurance/light and heat/motor/advertising/telephone
      2. Cash flow forecasts
        1. Balance sheets
          1. Statement of the business's financial position showing assets and liabilities at a given date, usually at end of a financial year
            1. fixed assets (tangible and intangible)
              1. current assets (stocks/debtors/cash at bank and in hand)
                1. creditors
                  1. total = net current assets
                    1. less total liabilities
          2. Management accounts
            1. Prepared for internal use by a business and not audited
            2. Audited accounts
              1. Prepared by a chartered accountant
              2. cash flow statements
                1. shows actual receipts and expenditure to include VAT
                2. UK GAAP
                  1. Generally accepted accounting principles as agreed in the UK. Vals for inclusion in financial statements are prepared in accordance with UKGAAP
                  2. IFRS
                    1. International financial reporting standards
                      1. adopted by uk, fair value definition
                    2. FRS
                      1. Financial reporting standard
                        1. FRS 15 - Requires companies to revalue their tangible fixed assets
                          1. Owner occupied property is to be valued on the basis of existing use value
                            1. Investment properties are to be values on the basis of market value
                      2. IAS
                        1. International accounting standards
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