Matters of Life & Death


IGCSE (Unit 2) RPE Mapa Mental sobre Matters of Life & Death, creado por amyzhang98 el 17/04/2014.
Mapa Mental por amyzhang98, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por amyzhang98 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Matters of Life & Death
  1. Life After Death
    1. Not Believing
      1. Bodies decay
        1. A soul loses its personal identity
          1. No empirical evidence
          2. Religious
            1. Bodily Resurrection
              1. "I believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting" (Creed)
              2. Immortality of the Soul
                1. "Today you will be in Paradise with me" (Luke 23)
                2. Purgatory
                  1. "After death, they undergo purification" (Cathecism)
                3. Non-Religious
                  1. Life is sacred
                    1. Near-death experiences
                      1. Parapsychology (spirits, mediums)
                        1. Immanuel Kant
                          1. Gives a meaning to life
                            1. After-life allows humans to fulfil their full potential
                              1. Fair judgement where the good are rewarded and evil punished
                          2. Poverty
                            1. Causes
                              1. Wars (e.g. Sudan)
                                1. Natural Disasters (Bangladesh floods)
                                  1. Debt (Chile)
                                    1. Unfair Trade
                                      1. AIDS/HIV (South Africa)
                                      2. Christian Agency
                                        1. Stewardship (Parable of the talents): preserve and improve
                                          1. Parable of the Sheep and Goats: condemnation for those who do nothing
                                            1. "Love your neighbour"/Good Samaritan
                                              1. Money/Wealth: "love of money is the root of all evil"
                                                1. Salvation Army (Food Banks)
                                                  1. Christian Aid (Long/short term aid)
                                                2. Abortion
                                                  1. Abortion Act 1968 legalises abortions during first 24 weeks
                                                    1. If: endangers mother/family or child is handicapped
                                                    2. Pro-life
                                                      1. Roman Catholics "Every human life, from the moment of conception until death, is sacred" (Catechism)
                                                        1. Church of England "lesser of two evils" (e.g. rape or incest)
                                                          1. Quakers "agape" and Jesus' example
                                                          2. Pro-choice
                                                            1. Judith Jarvis Thomson and the Violinst
                                                              1. Quality of Life
                                                              2. Sanctity of Life
                                                                1. Imago Dei (Genesis 1)
                                                                  1. "You shall not commit murder" (Exodus 20)
                                                                    1. Predestination "You knew me before I was born" (Psalm 139)
                                                                      1. "God's temple is holy, you are his temple" (1 Corinthians 3)
                                                                        1. "the hairs on your head have all been counted" (Luke 12)
                                                                      2. Euthanasia
                                                                        1. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are illegal but everyone has the right to refuse treatment
                                                                          1. 1961 Suicide Act makes assisted suicide illegal
                                                                          2. Christian denominations
                                                                            1. Roman Catholics- against all forms of euthanasia but allows 'doctrine of double effect'
                                                                              1. Church of England- generally opposed to euthanasia
                                                                                1. Quakers- acceptable using conscience and 'agape'
                                                                                  1. Baptists- alternative to euthanasia to die with dignity(Hospice Movement)
                                                                                Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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