Impact of food consumption


Mapa Mental sobre Impact of food consumption, creado por Davyd Tan el 18/04/2014.
Davyd Tan
Mapa Mental por Davyd Tan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Davyd Tan
Creado por Davyd Tan hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Impact of food consumption
  1. Inadequate
    1. Health
      1. Malnutrition
        1. Examples
          1. 5 million child deaths under age 5 in LDCs
            1. 52.5% caused by malnutrition
            2. 148 million under weight children worldwide
              1. 78 million children (South Asia LDCs)
                1. 36 million children (Sub-Saharan Africa)
                2. LDCs>DCs
                  1. 16% of people in LDCs suffer malnutrition
                    1. 75% of Democratic Republic of Congo suffer malnutrition
                  2. Impact
                    1. Infacy
                      1. Malnourished infants
                      2. Childhood
                        1. Impaired development
                          1. Fall more sick more often
                        2. Adolescence
                          1. Impair development
                            1. Loss of school days & educational opportunities
                          2. Adulthood
                            1. Less productive at work
                              1. Low weight gain and reduced capacity to care for children
                        3. Ill-Health
                          1. Vitamin A
                            1. Includes eggs,cheese & milk
                              1. Uses
                                1. Maintain good eyesight
                                  1. Keeps skin,tissues,bones and immune system healthy
                                  2. Defficiency
                                    1. Visual impairment & blindness
                                      1. 250,000 - 500,000 children become blind annually
                                      2. Diarrheal diseases & measles
                                        1. 44.8% of children deaths caused by measles in 2009
                                          1. 60.7% die from diarrhea
                                            1. Children have lower educational opportunities
                                              1. Lower earning power
                                        2. Vitamin D & Calcium
                                          1. Uses
                                            1. Make strong and healthy bones
                                              1. Vitamin D: Helps fight body from infection, enables vital organs to work well
                                              2. Defficiency
                                                1. Osteoporosis
                                                  1. More fragile bones which lead to fractures or breaking
                                                    1. Less work days & productivities
                                                      1. US$3.7 billion spent on patients with hip fractures in 2006
                                              3. Starvation
                                                1. Extreme malnutrition
                                                  1. Body becomes skeletally thin
                                                    1. Permanent damage to organs
                                                      1. Person will die if untreated
                                                  2. More common in LDCs
                                                    1. 98% of people facing starvation live in LDCs
                                                      1. 60% of them live in Asia
                                                2. Economic
                                                  1. Lower Productivity
                                                    1. Workers fall sick more often
                                                      1. Lowers productivity, refers to output of goods per unit of labor
                                                        1. Leads to lower income
                                                      2. Children fall sick more often
                                                        1. Loss of school days
                                                          1. Loss of educational opportunities
                                                            1. 7,300 8-year olds--> Permanent brain damage
                                                      3. Higher Public Health Expenditure
                                                        1. Increase in demand of health services
                                                          1. Public expenditure & overall cost of healthcare increases
                                                            1. Limited resources stretched and cannot focus much on transport,housing,agriculture and education
                                                              1. Slows down country's economic growth
                                                        2. Long-Term Debt
                                                          1. Food and financial aid given by DCs to help LDCs cope with lack of food
                                                            1. May lead to long-term debt problems for receiving countries
                                                              1. Human Development Report in 2005,2006,2007 shows food supply 34% more expensive than purchased locally
                                                                1. LDCs incurred losses between US$5-US$7 billion
                                                          2. Political
                                                            1. Instability
                                                              1. Wars & Social unrest
                                                                1. Drought in Russia decreased wheat production
                                                                  1. 30% increase in food prices in 2010
                                                                    1. Protests in Mozambique began
                                                            2. Social
                                                              1. Scavenging
                                                                1. Heath risks
                                                                  1. Disposed food contain high levels of bacteria or chemicals
                                                                  2. Dangerous or illegal situations
                                                                    1. Scavengers trespass over private property
                                                                      1. Abused and harassed
                                                                    2. Many people reside near 'Smokey Mountain' in Manila,Phillipines
                                                                      1. Massive amounts of rubbish and waste
                                                                  3. Excessive
                                                                    1. Health
                                                                      1. Obesity occurs
                                                                        1. Leads to health problems such as high blood pressure,coronary heart diseases,diabetes and cancer
                                                                          1. More common in DCs due to higher disposable income --> Stronger purchasing power
                                                                          2. 1971-2000: Obesity in USA increased from 14.5% to 30.9%
                                                                          3. Excessive consumption of salt,sugar,alcohol,processed food and red meat
                                                                            1. Kidney failure,liver diseases and hypertension
                                                                          4. Economic
                                                                            1. More workers absent from work
                                                                              1. Lower productivity leads to lower incomes
                                                                                1. Unable to work productively or study productively
                                                                                  1. Costs millions in productivity and insurance costs
                                                                                  2. Poor health hinders progress
                                                                                  3. Duke University with BMI
                                                                                    1. 40 twice as likely to fall ill or be injured
                                                                                  4. Social
                                                                                    1. Food Wastage
                                                                                      1. DCs waste 230 million tones annually, estimated by FAO
                                                                                        1. DCs: 95-115 kg per capita
                                                                                          1. LDCs: 6-11kg per capita
                                                                                          2. Further strain on landfills
                                                                                            1. Resources used to produce food wasted
                                                                                          3. Dieting
                                                                                            1. USA's weight loss industry valued US$20 billion, in 2012
                                                                                              1. Inappropriate dieting leads to depression
                                                                                                1. Physical illnesses
                                                                                                  1. Iron-deficiency anaemia
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