Unstable Angina


Nursing Mapa Mental sobre Unstable Angina, creado por Chaleyki Douglas el 03/03/2017.
Chaleyki Douglas
Mapa Mental por Chaleyki Douglas, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Chaleyki Douglas
Creado por Chaleyki Douglas hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Unstable Angina
  1. Pathology/Etiology
    1. Low oxygen in coronary arteries
      1. Rupture of existing plaque in coronary arteries
        1. Complete or partial blockage of blood flow
    2. Possible Complications
      1. Myocardial infarction (death of heart muscle cells)
      2. Treatment
        1. Sugery
          1. Drug therapy
            1. Increase oxygen suuply
              1. Nitroglycerin
              2. Decrease oxygen demand of the heart
              3. Lifestyle
              4. Diagnostic Tests
                1. Nursing management
                  1. Patient teaching
                    1. Proper order, timing and use of medication
                      1. Appropriate lifestyle choices including low fat diet, avoiding tobacco smoke and alcohol
                      2. pre-op/post op
                        1. Acute treatment
                          1. Ensure airway patent
                            1. Apply oxygen by nasal cannula or non-rebreather to ensure adequate oxygen perfusion
                              1. morphine to reduce pain
                        2. Clinical Manifestations
                          1. Signs
                            1. Symptoms
                            2. Risk Factors
                              1. Non-modifiable
                                1. Family History
                                2. Modifiable
                                  1. Smoking
                                    1. Alcohol consumption
                                      1. proportion of fat in diet
                                        1. Controll of co-morbity: ex. diabetes
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