

Mapa Mental sobre Raptor, creado por carloscharris.dm el 29/04/2014.
Mapa Mental por carloscharris.dm, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por carloscharris.dm hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Visual programming development environment
    1. Based on flowcharts
    2. Why use it?
      1. Minimizes the amount of syntax you must learn
        1. Easy of use
          1. Error messages easy to understand
            1. Doesn´t require a heavy-weight commercial programming language
              1. For example
                1. C++
                  1. Java
              2. Symbols
                1. Start
                  1. End
                    1. Loop
                      1. Call
                        1. Input
                          1. Output
                            1. Selection
                              1. Processing
                              2. Variables
                                1. Only holds a single value
                                  1. The value can change as a program excecutes
                                    1. Ways to set or change a variable
                                      1. By the value entered in an input statement
                                        1. By the value calculated from an ecuation in an assignment statement
                                          1. By a return value from a procedure call
                                          2. Poor variables names
                                            1. Examples
                                              1. a
                                                1. Not descriptive
                                                2. Milesperhour
                                                  1. Add underscores
                                                  2. My4to
                                                    1. Not descriptive
                                                3. Illegal variables names
                                                  1. Examples
                                                    1. 4sale
                                                      1. Doen´t start with a letter
                                                      2. Sales tax
                                                        1. Includes a space
                                                        2. Sales$
                                                          1. Includes invalid character
                                                      3. Good varible names
                                                        1. Examples
                                                          1. Tax_rate
                                                            1. Sales_tax
                                                              1. Distance_in_miles
                                                                1. Mpg
                                                              2. Common errors
                                                                1. "Variable ____ does not have a value"
                                                                  1. Common reasons
                                                                    1. The variable has not been given a value
                                                                      1. The variable name was misspelled
                                                                    2. "Can't assign string to numeric variable _____" "Can't assign numeric to string variable _____"
                                                                      1. If the statements attempt to change the data type of a variable.
                                                                  2. Operations
                                                                    1. +
                                                                      1. Addition
                                                                      2. -
                                                                        1. Subtraction
                                                                          1. Negation
                                                                          2. *
                                                                            1. Multiplication
                                                                            2. /
                                                                              1. Division
                                                                              2. ^ **
                                                                                1. Exponentiation, raise a number to a power
                                                                                2. rem mod
                                                                                  1. Remainder when the right operand divides the left operand
                                                                                  2. sqrt
                                                                                    1. Square root
                                                                                    2. log
                                                                                      1. Natural logarithm (base e)
                                                                                      2. abs
                                                                                        1. Absolute value
                                                                                        2. ceiling
                                                                                          1. Rounds up to a whole number
                                                                                          2. floor
                                                                                            1. Rounds down to a whole number
                                                                                            2. sin
                                                                                              1. trig sin(angle_in_radians)
                                                                                              2. cos
                                                                                                1. trig cos(angle_in_radians)
                                                                                                2. tan
                                                                                                  1. trig tan(angle_in_radians)
                                                                                                  2. cot
                                                                                                    1. trig cotangent(angle_in_radians)
                                                                                                    2. arcsin
                                                                                                      1. trig sin-1(expression), returns radians
                                                                                                      2. arcos
                                                                                                        1. trig cos-1(expression), returns radians
                                                                                                      Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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