3.5 Selecting Financial Strategies


Summary of Selecting Financial Strategies for the BUSS3 exam.
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3.5 Selecting Financial Strategies
  1. Key Terms
    1. Financial Strategy- A medium to long term plan to achieve the financial objectives of a business
      1. Investment- Major capital expenditure programs expected to provide financial returns in the long run
        1. Retained Profit- The part of the profit after tax that is kept for reinvestment rather than being paid out to shareholders
          1. Sale and leaseback- Assets such as property are sold then immediately rented back on a long term lease so they are still available for use by the firm
            1. Public share issue- when a plc offers shares for sale to the general public in order to raise more capital
              1. Rights issue- when a plc offers shares to existing shareholders, usually at a discount to the current market price.
                1. Cost Centre- A part of an organisation for which costs can be clearly identified eg a department, division or branch of a business.
                  1. Profit Centre- a part of an organisation for which costs and revenue can be clearly identified eg a department, division or branch of a business so its profits can be calculated.
                    1. Offshoring- This is the relocation of part of a business to a lower cost country eg call centres to India
                    2. Various sources of finance but they have an impact on ownership, gearing and long and short term profitability
                      1. Main sources of finance
                        1. Borrowing
                          1. LT loans. Done quickly but interest will be paid
                          2. Selling Shares
                            1. slow and expensive but no interest payments. Shareholders expect dividends
                            2. Retaining profits
                              1. Sale of assets
                                1. NCA that firms no longer needs/whole division that does not fit with strategy
                            3. Profit centres split businesses into smaller parts
                              1. Costly and time consuming
                                1. Useful
                                  1. Allocating revenue, costs and profits for more accurate decision making
                                    1. Easier to monitor budgets, targets and performance
                                      1. Decentralising decision making allows fast more responsive decision making
                                        1. Delegating authority to profit centres can be motivating
                                      2. Cost minimisation can be applied in all functions
                                        1. Minimising labour costs
                                          1. Using Technology
                                            1. Replace existing workers as firms become more capital intensive
                                            2. Relocating
                                              1. offshoring. For labour intensive will be for lower labour costs
                                                1. No point if quality compromised
                                            3. Decisions need to be made on how capital expenditure on NCA will be allocated
                                              1. Decisions normally have significant opportunity cost
                                                1. Investing in technology
                                                  1. reduce number of workers needed
                                                  2. Investing in other assets
                                                    1. eg property, supermarkets need to do this
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                                                  8. Income Statements (P&L accounts)
                                                  46. Impact of Competitive and Market Structure
                                                  7. Financial Objectives and Constraints
                                                  2. Corporate Aims, Mission and Culture
                                                  Business Studies Human Resources BUSS3
                                                  Interpreting published accounts
                                                  Key Terms
                                                  Chapter 29 - Key influences on the change process: Culture
                                                  Making investment decisions
                                                  Selecting Financial startegies
                                                  Chapter 30- Making strategic decisions