Culture of reading


Mapa Mental sobre Culture of reading, creado por Kirsty McMurdo el 17/03/2017.
Kirsty McMurdo
Mapa Mental por Kirsty McMurdo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kirsty McMurdo
Creado por Kirsty McMurdo hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Culture of reading
  1. The library
    1. Use to deliver AR programme to most vulnerable Y7 readers
      1. Create AR section, with all books labelled with reading ages
      2. Use as a revision resource: specific revision section, with all GCSE revision guides
        1. Topic-led displays
          1. A base for AGT DEAR groups
            1. A based for Y11 AGT independent study programme
              1. Bookable classroom: encourage students to research independently
                1. Review displays to make more inviting
                2. DEAR time
                  1. Y7 form tutors to deliver AR programme through DEAR time
                    1. Development of discussion-based DEAR time
                      1. Involve whole-school through interactive competitions / votes.
                      2. Age-appropriate extracts to the be used for one week each half-term. Link to T4TD
                      3. Accelerated Reader programme
                        1. All Y7 students to take part
                          1. FTs to deliver programme on a rota
                            1. Identify needs of sub-groups
                              1. Staff to be given information about how to meet each student's needs
                              2. Promote as a parental resource
                                1. Use to identify key intervention students in Y7. These students receive intervention from Nl and Mm
                                  1. Link to rewards programme: millionaires' reading club
                                  2. Paired reading intevention
                                    1. Re-launch paired reading from September, with 'reading for pleasure' workshop and visit to 'Seven Stories'
                                      1. Paired reading students to all take part in AR programme
                                        1. Progress reports to be sent home half-termly
                                          1. Involve parents by encouraging reading from home
                                        2. Cross-curricular
                                          1. All departments to offer silent reading time at KS3 on a formal rota
                                            1. Create calendar or national reading events and make formal arrangements to promote key events
                                              1. School involvement in Carnegie Medal
                                                1. World Book Day
                                                2. Transition
                                                  1. Reintroduce primary reading mentors from September
                                                    1. Create transition project for external funding. This is likely to involve use of the AR programme with Y5 and Y6
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