Homework: Hinduism Mindmap


KS4 (GCSE) (RS) Year 8 Mapa Mental sobre Homework: Hinduism Mindmap, creado por Oliver H el 05/05/2014.
Oliver H
Mapa Mental por Oliver H, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Oliver H
Creado por Oliver H hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Homework: Hinduism Mindmap
  1. Introduction
    1. Basic Facts
      1. 2000 BCE
        1. Unknown Founder
          1. Simply grew
            1. Eternal
            2. Mandir, Temple
              1. Vidas (+ others)
              2. "Santana dharma"
                1. "The eternal religion"
                2. More like culture than creed (RADHAKRISHNAN)
                  1. Taken in all religions + cultures
                  2. Invasions
                    1. Aryan 2000 BCE
                      1. Ashoka 300 BCE
                        1. Muslim 1000 CE
                          1. Portugal + Moghul 1500 CE
                            1. British 1600 CE
                              1. Sikh 1600 CE
                      2. AAMPMBS
                    2. Gods
                      1. Brahman
                        1. Brahma
                          1. Creator
                          2. Vishnu
                            1. Upkeep
                              1. Avatars
                                1. 1. Matsya - Fish
                                  1. 2. Kurma - Tortoise
                                    1. 3. Varaha - Boar
                                      1. 4. Nara-Sinha - Man-Lion
                                        1. 5. Vamana - Dwarf demon
                                          1. 6. Rama - Son of Brahman
                                            1. 7. Rama-Chandra - Perfect man
                                              1. 8. Krishna - Hero
                                                1. 9. Buddha
                                                  1. 10. Kalki - Yet to come
                                  2. MKVNVRRKBK
                              2. Shiva
                                1. Destruction
                              3. 1:3:330 million?
                                1. Ganesha - Elephant
                                  1. Wisdom
                                  2. 3 Goddesses
                                    1. Sariswati - Brahma
                                      1. Parvati - Shiva
                                        1. Lakshmi - Vishnu
                                  3. Moksha
                                    1. Karma
                                      1. Bhakti
                                        1. Jnana
                                          1. Yoga
                                            1. Yoga/Meditation
                                            2. Studying / Reading
                                            3. Worship / Pray
                                            4. Help
                                            5. Reincarnation - The soul
                                            6. Other
                                              1. Jagannatha - Lord of Universe
                                                1. Kali - "The Black One"
                                                  1. Sadhu
                                                    1. Holy men - Legally dead
                                                      1. Wander
                                                      2. Achieve Moksha
                                                      3. Varanasi
                                                        1. Holy/Pilgrimage city
                                                        2. Caste System
                                                          1. Creation story
                                                            1. Lille pad - Sea of milk

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