Love + Relationship


Mapa Mental sobre Love + Relationship, creado por Ameenah Ahmed el 30/03/2017.
Ameenah Ahmed
Mapa Mental por Ameenah Ahmed, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ameenah Ahmed
Creado por Ameenah Ahmed hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Love + Relationship
  1. Manhunt
    1. then and only then, did I come close
      1. 'after passionate nights,'
        1. 'feel the hurt of his grazed heart,'
          1. Structure
            1. stanza length is equal
              1. irregular rhyme scheme
                1. Couplets
                2. In smaller chunks, tow line stanza's
                  1. gives a feel of fragmentation
                    1. loss of love
              2. Valentine
                1. 'Its scent will cling to your knife,'
                  1. KNIFE could suggest hurt or damage or the death of love
                  2. Context
                    1. 1955, Glasgow
                      1. First female poet Laureate/Royal poet
                        1. Poems often were feminist in themes and approach
                        2. Poem is an extended metaphor for the ONION
                          1. The onion is dismissive of cliches
                            1. Gives the traditional love poem a twist
                              1. untraditiona; feeling
                          2. 'its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring,'
                          3. Sonnet 43
                            1. 'I love thee with the passion put to those,'
                            2. Cozy Apologia
                              1. Structure
                                1. rhyming, consistent
                                  1. last stanza little rhyming
                                    1. going against tradition
                                  2. doesn't match reality
                                    1. When rhyming gets inconsistent, it reflects their long distance relationship
                                      1. Enjambment
                                      2. Traditional love poem
                                        1. rhyming couplets
                                        2. Rita Dove
                                          1. Black women
                                            1. her husband fred is white
                                              1. Contreversial poet
                                          2. Idea's cloud her thoughts
                                          3. A wife in London
                                            1. Structure
                                              1. enjambment
                                                1. regular consistent
                                                  1. 5 line stanza
                                                    1. regular rhyme scheme
                                                      1. the layout of poem shows the disorder of her life
                                                        1. rhyme gives non-traditional rhyme
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