Case Study 4- Rural to Urban Migration
(Caatinga to Sao Paulo)
From Caatinga in Northeast Brazil to Sao Paulo
Up to 25,000 people have migrated
Push Factors:
Low unreliable rainfall
Difficult for farmers to
produce enough food to
sustain their subsistence
way of life
No piped water, electricity or sanitation
Lck of schools and
clinics in the area
Pull Factors:
Jobs in the cities like Sao Paulo
Better transport
The bright lights and
glamour of the city
Positive Effects on the
area left behind:
More land available
Increase in food supplies and QOL
Money earned and send back
by migrant workers whom help
improve facilities and QOL of
people left behind
Negative Effects on the
area left behind:
The most able leave the village so
that young people and old people
start working which means young
people cannot carry on with their
education anoymore
Negative effect on social
activities and recreation