Group Success


PE Mapa Mental sobre Group Success, creado por SprangBen el 21/05/2014.
Mapa Mental por SprangBen, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por SprangBen hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Group Success
  1. Those social aggegates that involve mutual awareness and the potential for interaction (share a common goal)
    1. Stages of group formation
      1. Forming
        1. Development of relationships within the group
        2. Storming
          1. Conflict as individuals attempt to establish their position within group
          2. Norming
            1. Structure has been established, group gains stabiltiy and starts to become cohesive
            2. Performing
              1. All performers working together for the common goal
            3. Cohesion
              1. The extent to which a group works together to achieve a common goal
                1. Task Cohesion
                  1. Interaction of group members and their effectiveness in working together to achieve a common goal
                  2. Social cohesion
                    1. Interaction of individuals and how well they relate to each other
                  3. Carron's antecedents
                    1. Environmental/Situational factors
                      1. e.g. size of group, time available, training facilities
                      2. Member characteristics
                        1. e.g. ability, motivation, satisfaction
                        2. Leadership style
                          1. involvement of individuals in decision-making and expectations on group
                          2. Team elements
                            1. e.g. desire of team to succeed, nature of shared experiences
                          3. Strategies to develop effective group cohesion
                            1. Creating a group identity e.g. clothing or motto
                              1. Identifying Social Loafers
                                1. Individual who attempts to 'hide' when placed in a group situation and does not perform to his or her potential
                                  1. Strategies to minimise the effects of social loafing
                                    1. Giving the player specific responsibility
                                      1. Varying practice to maintain motivation
                                        1. Developing social cohesion and peer support
                                          1. Set challenging but realistic targets
                                            1. Developing fitness levels
                                          2. Encouraging peer support
                                            1. Avoiding social cliques
                                              1. Explanation of roles and expectations within group
                                                1. Practice and training drills
                                                  1. Developing social cohesion away from sport
                                                  2. Ringelmann effect
                                                    1. As the size of the group increases, the performance levels of each individual drops
                                                    2. Steiner's model of productivity
                                                      1. Actual productivity=Potential productivity-Losses due to faulty processes
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