Recovery of Germany


The recovery of Germany, 1924-29
Eva Something
Mapa Mental por Eva Something, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Eva Something
Creado por Eva Something hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Recovery of Germany
  1. Economy
    1. Currency
      1. Temporary Rentenmark 1923
        1. If failed, govt. would exchange notes for shares in German land/industry
        2. Permanent Reichsmark 1924
          1. Confidence rose
        3. Dawes Plan 1924
          1. Plan
            1. American banks invested in indiustry
              1. Annual payments reduced
              2. Effects
                1. French left Ruhr
                  1. Germany resumed reparation payments
                    1. Manufactured good sales doubled 1923-29
                      1. Economy recovered
                    2. Young plan 1929
                      1. Cut payments from 6.6billion to 2 billion
                        1. 59 more years to pay
                      2. Internationally
                        1. Locarno Pact 1925
                          1. Britain, France, Italy, Germany
                            1. Agreed to keep its borders
                              1. Germany treated equal
                              2. League of Nations 1926
                                1. Germany became member
                                  1. Germany got place on league's council
                                  2. Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928
                                    1. International agreement (65 countries signed)
                                      1. States promised not to use war
                                        1. Germany was respectable member of int. community
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                                      Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
                                      Adam Collinge
                                      Germany 1918-39
                                      Cam Burke
                                      Weimar Revision
                                      Tom Mitchell
                                      Hitler's Chancellorship
                                      Weimar Germany 1919: The Spartacists and the constitution
                                      Chris Clayton
                                      Why the Nazis Achieved Power in 1933 - essay intro/conclusion
                                      Denise Draper
                                      Britain and World War 2
                                      Ligia Herbst
                                      Hitler's rise to Chancellorship Jan '33
                                      Simon Hinds
                                      Weimar Republic - Problems facing it from 1918 - 1923
                                      Kiya Bhayani
                                      Rise Of Power
                                      The Berlin Crisis
                                      Alina A