the student needs to learn
how to group objects by a
specific feature or attribute
Ex: a number of pencils and rubbers
are presented and the student needs
to group them
Non-mathematical skills
Pattern Recognition
Minecraft blocks - green and
red alternate blocks
Jump and clap then clap and jump
Matching and 1 to 1
To be able to match one set to another
sets up to one to once correspondence
MATCH OBJECTS: Sorting PEGS in colours
or by shape
SETS: School uniform top, corresponding
1 to 1 CORRESPONDENCE: for every top, one
pair of trousers
Students wan to play: how many balls
are needed for each to have one
Ordering and
Putting events ideas and numbers in logical order
PICTURE SEQUENCING: Cut sequential pictures that
interest the student. Start with 2 pictures then increase
to 3, 4 and so on. Tell the student to put them in order
Spatial Orientation &
Space Organisation
An idea of size and space
Pick the pen from underneath the desk
Place the book inside your satchel
Story sums - place a drawing
Resources with more pictures and
less words
Mind map instead of
Step by Step direction
Play: Simon Says
Checklist - step by step and tick
To add sequential numbers, provide
NUMBER GRID to help in counting
Visual representation of step by step direction to perform a sum