Mexican President Santa Anna is elected into office


The time web of the Mexican-American War
Tyler Crouse
Mapa Mental por Tyler Crouse, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tyler Crouse
Creado por Tyler Crouse hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Mexican President Santa Anna is elected into office


  • Hi, I'm the President of Mexico.
  1. President Santa Anna needs political support


    • Well, I guess winning a war will get the people's support.
    1. The Mexican American War
      1. Mexico


        • Tenemos Texas, tu no tienes!
        1. America


          • Merica!
          1. President Polk sends Senetor John Slidell to negotiate the purchase of California, he is denied in 1835.


            • What I want California now!!!!
            1. American President Polk wants to purchase California out of belief of the Manifest Destiny


              • Well we should have California so lets just buy it.
            2. VS.
              1. Texas is annexed into America on June 16, 1845.
                1. American Senate


                  • Rich, Fancy, decision makers.
                  1. U.S. General Zachery Taylor is sent by President Polk to the boarder of Mexico in January 1846 to negotiate for California, but is also denied.


                    • Zach go tell the Mexican government that California is ours now.
                    1. General Taylor is fired upon by Mexican General Mariano Arista in 1846. Word is sent to the United States Senate and...


                      • Wow, so this how it is huh.
                      1. The Texans and Americans go to war with Mexico!


                        • American- I guess were helping you now. Texans- Ok, cool!
                        1. The War Begins! in 1846


                          • So it begins.
                          1. First Battles with Mexico!


                            • Lets go to War!
                            1. American and Texan troops drive back General Mariano Arista and the Mexican army


                              • Go... and don't come back.
                              1. American Major General Winfield Scott plans the attack of Veracruz


                                • Well if we use the ships we can bring more me...huh more men... well i guess i need to call Zach.
                                1. Asks General Taylor for half of his army to reinforce his invasion


                                  • Hey Zach I need some peeps.
                                  1. Major General Scott Exicutes the plan to attack Veracruz


                                    • Greatest sea landing of its time!
                                    1. Battle of Veracruz (1847)
                                      1. Overwhelming American Victory


                                        • Well, that was easy.
                                        1. Battle of Cerro Gordo
                                          1. Americans Advance to Mexico City


                                            • I guess we will take the capital.
                                            1. Battle of Mexico City (1847)


                                              • No were good... here's the key to the city.
                                              1. President Santa Anna Resigns


                                                • Better hide.
                                                1. American Victory under Major General Scott


                                                  • Go Me... I won the war!
                                                  1. Mexico Surrenders


                                                    • No qeremos pelear no mas!
                                                    1. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed January, 1848


                                                      • Americans- Sign here, initial here, and date here... now here's the money for California, we'll take Texas and the war Reparations. Mexican- Yup no complaints here (rasies hand in air).
                                                      1. An American Victory of The Mexican American War establishes the Rio Grande River as the boundary between Mexico and the United States and Declares California Alta and The Territory of Texas as property of the United States of America


                                                        • Once again a Merica victory!
                                                2. American Victory Under Major General Scott


                                                  • That wasn't.
                                        2. General Taylor fights into central Mexico


                                          • Lets go to Mexico I guess.
                                          1. General Taylor send rienforcements to Major General Winfield Scott


                                            • Here you need them more that I do.
                                            1. Messenger is killed carrying General Taylors Confirmation of the request for troops


                                              • NOOOOOOO...not steven he was soooo young!!!!!!!
                                          2. Mexican Army Retreats to Central Mexico


                                            • Oh no fall back!
                                            1. President Santa Anna gets word of the reinforcement confirmation and makes a move


                                              • Oh how convenient lets go win this battle real quick.
                                              1. Battle of Buena Vista
                                                1. Hard Fought American Victory


                                                  • Huh, huh, huh... Is that (cough, cough) the best you got (collapses).
                                                  1. President Santa Anna Retreats to Mexico City


                                                    • Wow... huh, huh, huh, that didn't work (crawls back to Mexico City).
                                                  2. President Santa Anna needs a political win to enforce his presidency


                                                    • Hmm, I need some support.
                                                2. Brigadier General Stephen W. Kearny marches to New Mexico on June 30, 1846.


                                                  • On to the newer of Mexicos.
                                                  1. Battle of Santa Fe (1846)
                                                    1. Along with Calvary Commander Alexander Doniphin Established the Santa Fe Trail.


                                                      • Lets go Dolphin... Oh I mean Doniphin.
                                                      1. Kearny Takes army to California


                                                        • Were goin' to Cali.
                                                        1. Kearny with a force of 100 dragoons traveled across the Colorado Desert to San Diego


                                                          • Hesus Crist it's HOT!
                                                          1. Battle of San Pascuel
                                                            1. Mexican Victory under Andres Pico


                                                              • Tu no puedas tocar me!
                                                              1. Commador Stockton send relief rienforcements to relive General Kearny


                                                                • Eh Kearns, here.
                                                                1. Battle of San Gabriel (1847)
                                                                  1. American Victory under General Kearny


                                                                    • Heck Yeah Dude!
                                                                    1. Battle of La Mesa (1847)
                                                                      1. American Victory under General Kearny


                                                                        • Double Heck Yeah!
                                                                        1. General Kearny Travels to San Francisco


                                                                          • Welcome to San Fran.
                                                            2. American Victory under General Kearny


                                                              • WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... ain't stopping me!!!
                                                        2. Battle of Resaca de la Palma (May 9, 1846)
                                                          1. American Victory under General Zachary Taylor


                                                            • And thats two!
                                                          2. Battle of Palo Alto (May 8, 1846)
                                                            1. American Victory under General Zachery Taylor


                                                              • Well thats one for the home team.
                                                              1. Major General Sloat breaks off and goes to California Alta


                                                                • I don't mean to gloat with this goat  but I'm THE Sloat ridin' this boat!
                                                                1. The Battle of Monterey (July 7, 1846)
                                                                  1. American Victory under Major General Sloat


                                                                    • Three wins for me but who is counting... I am.
                                                          3. The Bear Flag Revolt (1846)
                                                            1. Commanders Ezekiel Merrit and Willian Ide lead a revolt against Mexican soldiers stationed in California Alta


                                                              • Commander ide is to the left. Commander Merritt does not have a picture.
                                                              1. The taking of Sonoma
                                                                1. Rebels go on to gain a few more small victories


                                                                  • Go rebels!
                                                                  1. The Americans and Rebels go to take the city of San Francisco


                                                                    • Together we stand...aginst the Mexican army of course.
                                                                    1. Battle of San Francisco
                                                                      1. Victory for The Rebels and Americans


                                                                        • Were going all the way!
                                                                        1. Battle of Los Angles
                                                                          1. Rebels receive word of the Victory at the Battle of Monterey


                                                                            • Hay we won to. Do you think that they are finished fighting?
                                                                            1. The Treaty of Chauenga is signed and The Republic of California is declared independent


                                                                              • I guess so...
                                                                            2. Victory for the Rebels and Americans


                                                                              • All the way we shall go!
                                                                      2. Bloodless victory for rebels


                                                                        • Easy Peasy
                                                                        1. The rebels put up flag with grizzly bear painted on the top and came to the new name of the Bear Flaggers


                                                                          • A variation of The Bear Flag is stil used today ref the state flag of California.  
                                                                    2. Tentions are high due to the wanting of independence from Mexico


                                                                      • Mexican and American citizens can never get along.
                                                                      1. American Naval Officer John C. Fremont lands in California Alta in 1846


                                                                        • Hi we're here for scientific surveys, not to start a revolt (they really were only a scientific journalist unit).
                                                                        1. Officer Fremont gets word from the America of the Mexican-American War


                                                                          • What! there's a war going on and no one bothered to tell me!!!
                                                                          1. Officer Fremont join th war to aid the rebels


                                                                            • What the heck lets win California.
                                                                            1. Fremont sends reinforcements to aid General Kearny
                                                              2. Territory of Texas


                                                                • This is what is ours now...
                                                                1. Texan revolutionaries join with American Army.


                                                                  • ...and not yours!
                                                            2. Texas Rebels


                                                              • Everything's bigger in Texas... even revolutions.
                                                              1. Texans break from Mexico in 1836


                                                                • You can't have IT!
                                                                1. Tentions rise in Texan towns due to the large increase of Americans


                                                                  • Now that were here this land is ours!
                                                                  1. Mexican Emprsarios settle American citizens into the Territory of Texas


                                                                    • Come on guys lets go to Texas!
                                                                2. KEY:
                                                                  1. ORANGE= Mexico
                                                                    1. GREEN= Texans
                                                                      1. RED= America
                                                                        1. YELLOW= Major Battles
                                                                          1. BLUE= Texans and Americans
                                                                            1. PINK= Americans and Bear Flaggers
                                                                              1. PURPLE= Bear Flaggers
                                                                                1. DARK ORANGE= End of Conflict

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