river landscape in the uk


GCSE (river landscape in the UK) Geography Mapa Mental sobre river landscape in the uk, creado por sam cosh el 07/06/2017.
sam cosh
Mapa Mental por sam cosh, actualizado hace más de 1 año
sam cosh
Creado por sam cosh hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

river landscape in the uk


  • http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/standard/geography/rivers/river_landscapes/revision/1/
  1. upper course
    1. sources
      1. large loads
        1. high energy
          1. v shaped vally
          2. very marshy
            1. small river width
              1. vertical eriosion
              2. middle course
                1. waterfalls
                  1. hard over soft rock
                    1. retreating soft rock
                    2. plunge pool
                      1. abrasion
                      2. large/medium load
                        1. lateral erioson
                          1. meranders
                            1. river bending
                              1. okbow lakes
                          2. lower course
                            1. estuarys
                              1. deposting load
                                1. low energy
                                  1. allowed to walk across easier
                                  2. flood plains
                                    1. fertile land
                                      1. better farming
                                        1. more money
                                        2. levees
                                          1. increasing river capcity
                                          2. man made
                                            1. people build them
                                              1. dosent look natural
                                                1. cost money
                                                2. natural levees
                                                  1. river floods
                                                    1. leaves sediment on the banks
                                                      1. looks natural
                                                        1. cost nothing
                                                      2. boats can travel across
                                                        1. need a boat to cross
                                                          1. particle sized load
                                                            1. makes water murckey
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