
Elias Mondaca
Flashcards by Elias Mondaca, updated more than 1 year ago
Elias Mondaca
Created by Elias Mondaca over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
LEADERS *the head of a political party, group, or organization -The leaders are the example
FOUGHT *a battle, struggle, or angry disagreement -Fought but it was achieved
CERTAIN *without doubt; convinced; sure -That's what certain
COMMON *associated with all sides or with all members of a group -That is the most common
BOTH *the two together; one and the other. -Both are to blame
SURROUND *to encompass by closing off all sides -You have to surround that
ERUPTED *to break or explode out of a restrained or confined condition -Erupted a bomb in china
ANGERED *strong emotion characterized by indignation, dislike, and belligerence; rage; wrath -It is very angered
FEARED *an emotion characterized by alarm, anxiety, and tension, often caused by an expectation of danger or pain; dread -He is very feared in Colombia
ISSUE *the act or process of sending or coming from a particular source -The problem is very complicated
SLAVERY *the ownership of one or more persons by another or others; bondage -Slavery is not fair
SHOCKED *a sudden, sometimes violent, scare or other intense emotional disturbance -He is shocked
SPEECHES *the faculty of communicating by speaking, or the act of speaking -He is good at giving speeches
FALLEN *to drop downward or to a lower position; descend -He has fallen only
EFFORTS *the exertion of physical or mental energy -The efforts have their reward
RAISED *to elevate to a higher position; lift -That is very raised
ASIDE *on the side; toward the side -That is aside
EXPANDED *to make larger or more extensive -He has been pushed
PUSHED *to exert pressure against in order to move -That mall has been expanded
COMPETED *to contend against others to win a desired goal or achieve a desired result -He competed in the olympic games
STILL *not moving; stationary -You can still boys
FIT *suitable or acceptable for a particular person or group, or for a particular function; appropriate; right -The fit was good
BRIDGES *a structure that extends a road, path, or other route over an obstacle such as a river or railway, to allow for continuous travel -How nice that bridge
SEEMED *to appear to be or do -He seemed to be a good boy
AGREE *to have the same opinion (often followed by with) -I agree with that
COULD *to have the ability to -It could end better
NEAR *to, at, or within a comparatively short distance from a person or thing -You are near the end
CHOICE *an act of choosing or selecting; selection -The choice was difficult
MINT *any of a variety of aromatic plants often cultivated as a source of fragrant oils for flavorings such as peppermint or spearmint -The mint candy is delicious
SAME *being one identical thing or person and not a new or different thing or person -The same knows how to do it
APPEARS *to come into view; become visible -He appears everywhere
HELD *to have or contain within one's hand or hands -He was held last night
HIDDEN *not in plain view; concealed, covert, or secret -She was hidden
ANCIENT *extremely old; existing for many years -It is a very ancient car
INSIDE *in the inner part of; within -Nothing will happen to you inside
DRAINAGE *the act or method of draining -The drainage is very bad
PIPES *a usually cylindrical tube of metal, plastic, wood, animal or plant tissue, or other material, through which a gas or liquid may flow -The pipes are covered
SWAMPY *of or like a swamp; marshy; spongy -This place is very swampy
SLOWER *not moving or able to move rapidly or fast -The snail is the slower of all the animals
STAND *to cause to be in an position -You have to stand in the right place
CARVINGS *the act or product of carving in wood, stone, or the like -You have to carving the wood better
MARBLE *a crystalline limestone, found in many colors and varieties, that can be cut and polished to a hard, shiny surface -That is made of marble
WENT *to proceed; travel -We went to Mexico a year ago
BROUGHT *to take, lead, or carry toward the speaker or from one place to another -He brought a good gift
ENSHRINED *If a political or social right is enshrined in something, it is protected by being included in it: -He is enshrined
TUFTS *a cluster or clump of long strands that are attached at one end and loose at the other, as of yarn, hair, or gras -The tufts are ugly
TOE *one of the jointed extensions on the end of the foot in humans and other vertebrates -He hit his toe
HIRED *to take on as an employee for money or other reward -She was hired
MOLDS *a hollow form used to give a particular shape to a soft or molten substance that is poured into it and allowed to harden -The molds are very cute
HUGE *of extremely large weight, size, or extent -He is very huge
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