Christian Lara


Christian Lara
Flashcards by Christian Lara, updated more than 1 year ago
Christian Lara
Created by Christian Lara over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Architect A person who desings and draw plans for buildings, bridge etc. Sentences: When i grow up i want to be an architect
Confederate A person who supported the south during the cibil war Sentence: He was in confederate.
dedication A ceremony marking the official completion or opening a building or monument Sentence: He has dedication for his homework.
Democratic Have the rights to vote of the government Sentence: We have democratic.
Memorial Something that is build or done to help people remember a person or event. Sentence: The statue is a memorial for steve jobs
Monument: A statue or building that is meant to remind person or event Sentence: I really want to see the monument of Abraham Lincon
Curator The person in charge for a museum. Sentence; The curator tell us the story of this picture
easel Engled thing to stand a paper for an artist Sentence: The Artist use an easel to paint
ZOMBIE A person who die and then was reanimated supernatural powers. Sentece: Yesterday i see a zombies movie.
Bend to turn or forced form straight or even curved or angular- Sentence: I have to take the bend on the next street
Bright Something Sparlking or reflecting. Sentence: This ring is so bright
fade to lose strength or vitality Sentence: "NO we won´t fade into darkeness
Amount Quantity Sentence: No amount of tears in my eyes
Intertwine To unit by twining one with another Sentence: The events are Intertwine.
Parachute A device for a slowing decent of a person or object through the air Sentence: His trowing the Parachute.
Bet Contest of two or more part to predict something and the winner got that something that they accord Sentence: I have bet 100 dollars to Real Madrid is going to win the champions
Bought Past participle of buy sentence: Yesterday i bought a ticket to a concert
Backwards Toward the back Sentence: Take 3 steps backward
yacht Boat using in racers. Sentence: I buy a new yacht.
Sunset Decent of the sun bellow the horizon Sentence: I love to see the sunset
Unless except of the condition Sentence Unless you talking about the soccer match
Accord Concurrence of opinión. Sentence: the commite worked in accord on the bill and passed
Evident: Clearly revealed to the mind or senses Senteces: Is evident that black ops 4 is going to be awesome
Abbreviate to shorten. sentence: This is the abbreviation of my name
Antagonist Opponent or adversary Sentece:The antagonist of the movie is Venom.
Asylum Sanctuary or place to refuge Sentence: This is the Arkham Asylum
Camaraderie Sociability amongst Friend Sentences
Circuitous Indirect, taking the longest route Sentence: This Street was very circuitous.
Collaborate cooperate with someone Sentence: You have to collaborate with Isidro.
Compromise to sittle a dispute by terms agreeable to both sithes Sentence: I have a compromiso with Andrea.
Conditional Depending on a condition Sentence: They have the condition to win
Renovation Repair, Making Something new again Sentence: I have to do a renovation in my house
Prudent Careful, cautions. Sentences: You have to be prudent with your family
Longevity Someone or something with long life. Sentence: Longevity to the people who love the animals-
Jubilation Joy, Celebration, exultation. Sentence my grandfather has been hubilated
Integrity Decency, honesty, wholeness Sentence. I have to take care of my integrity
Intrepid Fearless, adventurous. Sentence: This guy is intrepid
Inevitable Certain, Unavoidable. Sentence: Love her is inevitable.
Hypothesis Assumption, theory requiring proof Sentence: I made the hypothesis of my homework
Fortuitous Happening by luck fortunate Sentence: This guy is so fortutous.
Exemplary Outstanding, an example of others Sentence: His courage was exemplary
Emulate To imitate or follow like a example Sentence: My computer can emulate a playstation
Empathy Identification with feelings of others, Sentence: I have empathy With Edward
Passage A section of text Sentence: This is a veery good bible passage.
Coast the shore of the sea or ocean sentences: my brother is going to the coat
Project A planning undertaking sentences: I´m going to bounce the project
Commisions A special group delegated to consider some matter Sentenc:e: The workers have new commisions
level A relative position or degree of value ina a graded group Sentence. I am in the level number 10
Institute Set up or lay the groundwork Sentence: This is the new institute of technolohy
Generate Bring into existance. Sentence. YOu can generate money only in social media
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