Horatio Nelson


Horatio Nelson
Bryan Martín
Flashcards by Bryan Martín, updated more than 1 year ago
Bryan Martín
Created by Bryan Martín almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was his father´s name ? XA.) Edmund Nelson B.)Horatio Nelson C.) Fred Nelson
What was his mother´s name ? A.) Horatia Nelson B.) Fanny Nisbet XC.) Catherine Suckling
Which battle is this ? A.)The Battle of the Nile B.)Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife XC.)Battle of Trafalgar
What were his last words ? XA.) God and my country B.)Who is that? C.)Thank God I have done my duty
What year did the battle of Trafalgar begin? A.)1888 XB.)1805 C.)1812
Who was this person? A.)Robert Monsey Rolfe. XB.)Maurice Suckling C.) Richard Westall
Who was his enemy in the Batlle of Trafalgar? A.)Cristóbal Colón XB.)Napoleón Bonaparte C.)Maurice Suckling
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